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Thread: Not all metadata exporting in LR

  1. #1
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Not all metadata exporting in LR

    I've been re-editing a few of my photos and have noticed that there is only partial metadata that is being exported with the file. Up until the last few days, this wasn't a problem. I'm getting the current date/time and the camera info doesn't show up in the exported jpeg file like it did until recently. Anyone have any explanation for this? I haven't changed any settings that I know of that would affect metadata in export. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: Not all metadata exporting in LR

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianA61 View Post
    I've been re-editing a few of my photos and have noticed that there is only partial metadata that is being exported with the file. Up until the last few days, this wasn't a problem. I'm getting the current date/time and the camera info doesn't show up in the exported jpeg file like it did until recently. Anyone have any explanation for this? I haven't changed any settings that I know of that would affect metadata in export. Any help would be appreciated.
    Nevermind!!! Yes, I'm a putz! Somehow, during my uploading to different websites with different image requirements, I inadvertently set the export parameter to NOT include ALL metadata. OK, let the fun poking begin since I can't delete my original post and remove the evidence of me being a complete dumb**s.

  3. #3

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    Re: Not all metadata exporting in LR

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianA61 View Post
    Nevermind!!! Yes, I'm a putz! Somehow, during my uploading to different websites with different image requirements, I inadvertently set the export parameter to NOT include ALL metadata. OK, let the fun poking begin since I can't delete my original post and remove the evidence of me being a complete dumb**s.
    Could be worse . . some applications just go ahead and strip it out anyway with no choice in the matter.

    FastStone Viewer comes to mind, unless anyone knows if there is a setting for that?

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