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Thread: Step up/Step down rings

  1. #1
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Step up/Step down rings

    A very silly question; but what is the best option for me to fit a 55mm filter on a 52mm lens? Step up, or step down; or does it matter?
    Last edited by csa mt; 7th September 2014 at 02:26 PM.

  2. #2
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Step-up. Whether you're going up to a larger size or down to a smaller one, the terminology is from the POV of the lens. So you need a step-up ring. A step-down ring would be if you wanted to use a filter smaller than 52mm on your lens, and typically nobody really advocates using step-down rings because of the possibility of vignetting.

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Step up - the threads must be on the inner surface of the larger diameter and the out side of the smaller diameter.

  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by inkista View Post
    . . . the terminology is from the POV of the lens. . .
    Visual mnemonic device:

    I tell students to hold the camera as if shooting; look down the outside of the lens from the back of the camera - the "ring" will either appear as 'steps up' or 'steps down'.


  5. #5
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the responses! I now know which to get.

  6. #6

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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Just to throw a wrench into it, what is your largest lens, usually it is a 77mm, What I have done is to buy the filter to fit that size of lens then rings to that it will fix the other lens. I did this for my CP filter and my Tiffen ND filters and in the fall I use what is known as a red enhancer to add more put to yellow, orange, and red leaves. If the filter you are getting is an UV or haze filter just buy one for each size lens.

    Cheers: Allan

  7. #7
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Allan, I'm going to fit my current 55mm Polarizer with a step up ring to allow usage with my future 52mm lens.

  8. #8
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings


    Please be careful about what the ring is made from - aluminum can be very difficult to take off once put on. It seems to bind to everything - even plastic.

    I used a one for a year before I banished it from my presence forever. Several times when removing it I was completely annoyed - the last time I thought it would have to be cut off.

    In desperation I even resorted to some carefully applied graphite lock lubricant - guess where the graphite particles ended up?

    Pay more for a brass one and avoid frustration.

    BTW, I never screwed it on tight but it still stuck.


  9. #9

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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Carol in respect to what Glenn has written, I agree with him I have had problems with rings binding especially those where a polarizer is being used. Brass rings I find are the best, now the reason that polarizers bind is because you rotate them. So you have to be careful, that is as you usually turn them with the left hand (right one holds camera) the direction is right which is the same direction you turn the filter to tighten it on to the ring thus the polarizer blind into the ring making it difficult to separate them. Now you think, I will only turn it to the left well the ring has a good grip to the camera lens as you turn the polarizer to the left you are turning it in the same direction as if you were removing the filter from the ring, I have caught mine twice as it has fallen off the ring or lens before it has hit the ground.

    The B+W filters have brass threads so are usually more than the cheaper aluminum or plastic threads. I am adding a link to a supplier that I use that is located in the US, they are very good and only handle filters and holders and such. No harm in giving them a look or call, the web site is older and can be a little hard to find what you need.

    Cheers: Allan

  10. #10
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Thanks Glen and Allan! Yes I would only get a brass step up ring. My polarizer is a B+W, which also has brass threads.

  11. #11
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    BTW Allan, thanks for that great link!

    I don't see any information as to what the step ups are made of. Simply "metal". I was very surprised on another site that a B+W step up was made out of aluminum, and it was not cheap!

    One I've found made out of brass is the Sensei Pro @$22.95. A little pricy, however, it would be used long term.
    Last edited by csa mt; 4th September 2014 at 04:07 PM.

  12. #12

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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Carol give them a call it is toll free, ask them about the B+W step-up rings I believe that they will tell you brass, without looking at mine I believe that they are brass. If you look at the sizing chart the 52mm up to 58mm B+W is$27.43 while the Tiffen is $8.81, big difference in price. So give them a call about your noon your time.

    Cheers: Allan

  13. #13
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Carol give them a call it is toll free, ask them about the B+W step-up rings I believe that they will tell you brass, without looking at mine I believe that they are brass. If you look at the sizing chart the 52mm up to 58mm B+W is$27.43 while the Tiffen is $8.81, big difference in price. So give them a call about your noon your time.

    Cheers: Allan
    On B&H site:

    "The B+W 52-55mm Step-Up Ring is a step-up ring permitting the use of 55mm threaded filters on a 52mm threaded lens."The ring is constructed from black-anodized aluminum."
    Last edited by csa mt; 7th September 2014 at 02:27 PM.

  14. #14

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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Carol you are correct just talked to the ladies at The Filter Connection and the B+W for the past few years have been aluminum, about ten years ago they were brass.
    So I just learned something today.

    Cheers: Allan

  15. #15
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Alan - so far as I understand; Heliopan still makes their adaptor rings using brass.

    I know B&H handle this line. That being said; Heliopan gear is not inexpensive...

    The binding issue with aluminum is to some extent related to the fact that aluminum is a very reactive metal that oxidizes on exposure to air and aluminum oxide is formed. This is a VERY hard material that is used in commercial grinding wheels and sandpaper.

  16. #16
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by csa mt View Post
    On B&H site:

    "The B+W 52-58mm Step-Up Ring is a step-up ring permitting the use of 58mm threaded filters on a 52mm threaded lens."The ring is constructed from black-anodized aluminum."

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    . . .
    The binding issue with aluminum is to some extent related to the fact that aluminum is a very reactive metal that oxidizes on exposure to air and aluminum oxide is formed. This is a VERY hard material that is used in commercial grinding wheels and sandpaper.
    I thought "anodizing" is supposed to prevent the oxidization?


  17. #17
    PhotomanJohn's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I thought "anodizing" is supposed to prevent the oxidization?
    You are correct. Anodizing is a chemical process that deposits a layer of aluminum oxide onto the surface of the metal which seals the surface from further oxidation and can be dyed different colors. As Manfred said, aluminum oxide is very hard and is the same material that sapphire and rubies are made of.

    Galling with aluminum is caused by the soft nature of the metal. A hard anodize layer will greatly reduce or prevent galling between two anodized surfaces.

    Last edited by PhotomanJohn; 6th September 2014 at 01:51 AM.

  18. #18
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: Step up/Step down rings

    " so far as I understand; Heliopan still makes their adaptor rings using brass."

    B&H handles the 52-55mm step up ring by Heliopan, and it is brass; so that is what I'll be ordering.
    Last edited by csa mt; 7th September 2014 at 02:25 PM.

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