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Thread: Flickr User Manual???

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Flickr User Manual???

    I need to establish galleries on Flickr to showcase a number of selected rescue dogs. A certain foundation is contributing funds for the care of these dogs and desires me to have a Flickr account with galleries showcasing the dogs for which they have provided veterinary funds.

    However, I cannot seem to find any up-to-date user manuals (either online or hard-copy) on Flickr. It doesn't seem to be a very user friendly site but, I may be mistaken on that account.

    I have been working with for years and, although I don't really like the latest incarnation of that program, I am still able to struggle through it...

    Can anyone point me towards a user manual that covers the latest generation of Flickr?

    I have the images which are already edited. I do not require Flicker to be my editing program...

    BTW: I can usually find out how to do just about anything (well possibly not brain surgery with a rusty can opener) by searching YouTube...

    I have accessed some of the YouTube Flickr videos and they leave me quite unimpressed. Instead of videos professionally produced (like the Perfect Photo Suite and the NIK Software tutorials on YouTube) I have found mostly relatively crude videos done by some "yahoos" (see below) who for some reason seem to think that they have the expertise to do a tutorial on this program. One begins by stating, I have just started to work with Flickr - so I decided to do a tutorial!

    Definition of yahoo... A person who cannot pour water out of a boot even when the instructions are written on the heel...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 1st September 2014 at 03:31 AM.

  2. #2
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???

    I don't think there is a "user manual" for Flickr--they keep changing the UI, so we all just keep finding out the "new" way to do stuff. My recommendation, if the issue you have is uploading, would be to use a 3rd-party tool for uploading, rather than the Flickr website itself. There are TONS of these (I use the old Flickr Uploadr app on OSX). But if you're a Lightroom user, the built-in Lightroom Publish to Flickr is probably the easiest way to go with a UI you already know.

    Once everything's uploaded, under the You menu, there's a selection called Organize. From the Organizer, you can create "Albums" (used to be called sets), and that's probably what's meant by "galleries". The Galleries selection is if you want to curate a set of other peoples' photos, not your own. You can also create a Collection, which is a group of Albums/Sets. Each set/album, gallery, or Collection can have an individual link, and you can restrict or allow access based on three user groups: Family, Friends, or everyone. You can also make everything private, and then send a "pass" to any individual with or without a Flickr account, and the link in the pass gives them access to the locked-down images.

    The social aspect of Flickr would be creating Groups and adding photos to group "Pools" and having group discussions. So, for example, if you had more than one photographer for your rescue group, you could create a group, invite each photographer to join it, and pool your photos together.

    Does that help?
    Last edited by inkista; 1st September 2014 at 06:38 AM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Flickr User Manual???


    This site has a number of different IT/PC/Photography related articles. I know they have some about Flickr but whether it's what you are looking for? If you want to explore try this link to it:


  4. #4

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    Re: Flickr User Manual???


    Could you perhaps tell where your problem lies? Generally, once you register, uploading could hardly be easier: there will be an upload button which you click on, a surface opens, you my just drag and drop your image files there. On the way, you are offered possibilities of editing, giving titles, comments, and such like.


  5. #5
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???

    Agree with Lukas, once you open an account you start uploading and then create your sets. I have three to four sets or categories. I can name them as I want.

  6. #6
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???


    On flickr's user interface you'll see; flickr You People Groups Explore Upload.

    Hover your mouse over "You" and you'll get a drop - down list. The rest you'll find out for yourself,

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???

    I am trying to post an image on CiC using Flickr. This is easily done using smugmug (which is one of the reasons I like smugmug).

    I select the image and select "share"
    Flickr User Manual???

    From the drop down menu I select "Get a Link"
    Flickr User Manual???

    From the resulting menu, I select "embeddable links"
    Flickr User Manual???

    From the Get a link, forum selections I choose "BBCode Large"
    Flickr User Manual???

    This gives me the code I can paste into this forum resulting in this image...
    Flickr User Manual???

    Flickr User Manual???Elmer and Bruno 01 by richardpcrowe
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 3rd September 2014 at 10:26 PM.

  8. #8
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???

    This is just as easy to do on Flickr.

    Go to the photo's page on Flickr, while you're logged in.

    In the lower right-hand corner, you'll see a hollow arrow. Click on that.


    Select how you want to share it. With CiC, the easiest choice is probably BBCode. Select the size you want, then copy the text in the text box, and paste it into a CiC post.

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???

    Thanks Kathy... I neglected to add to my post that I had figured out how to post using Flickr. The image of the two rescue dogs in the bed was posted from Flickr.
    Actually, I am getting to like Flickr and am happy that I began using it.
    What I want to do on Flickr - is to have two Maltese Rescue California albums: one for images that I have shot and another for images that have been shot by volunteers.
    I don't want to have the images shot by the volunteers appear on my photostream because of a vain reason. I don't want anyone to think that I have shot those images.
    How can I post to a new album without the images from that album appearing on my photostream...

  10. #10
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???

    I don't think you can. The main difference between Flickr and other photo album sites is that the default is that you want everything showing to everyone all the time. Flickr is about sharing photos, after all.

    Ideally, the other volunteers would do their own uploading on their own accounts on Flickr, and you'd create a group to pool images folks send to the group.

    You might want to consider opening a second Flickr account. Put the volunteer images on one account--your images on the other. That way you've got two separate links for the different "albums". And if you want to combine everything in one big album, then you create a group and pool the images together. Since it will be from the group's pool page, it'll be clear not all the images are yours.
    Last edited by inkista; 4th September 2014 at 12:15 AM.

  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Flickr User Manual???

    Actually I am really getting to like Flickr even better than the newer evolution of

    It is very easy for me to set up this program exactly the way I want it set up.

    I have my general photo stream on which all my photos are entered. However, I have a set called Maltese Rescue California into which I place my rescue oriented images and only rescue oriented photos. Then I have an individual image set for each of our rescue dogs. That makes it very easy to trace the history of the dog with our organization...

    When I give someone a link to my Flickr account, I can direct them directly to my Maltese Rescue California images which eliminates the rest of the images for which the people I direct probably have no interest or I can direct them to a set containing only images of a specific dog.

    I am learning how to use Flickr and it seems pretty easy (far easier than I though when I started it).

    Now I have to learn if I can deposit unedited video clips so that another person or organization can use these clips integrated into their YouTube videos.

    One wonderful (semi) down side is that I will be spending lots of time exploring the images contained within the commons section of Flickr. This is a mother-lode for a photographer who is an amateur historian...

    I will also explore the varied capabilities of Flickr for Facebook, etc...

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