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Thread: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

  1. #21

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Thank you very much Mike , I will keep in mind your suggestions I think when I buy my new camera I will get better results with my images . My current one gives bad noise when ISO is higher than 400 and that's why I can't increase my shutter speed when necessary. But I think this is the learning and experiencing curve in photography. You start with poor equipment first and you realise that you love photography and then if you are improved enough to see that the camera you use is not enough for you, you go for a better one

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    The thought just now occurred to me that making a custom white balance setting is also very helpful in other situations, most often when for whatever reason your camera's auto white balance capability or your camera's white balance presets aren't as good as what you prefer. (It's likely that your upcoming 70D has a better auto white balance than your 1100D, at least based on my experience of upgrading to a later-generation Nikon camera.)

    You can also use the custom white balance when there is more than one light source perhaps even more obvious than the one Manfred explained; you can set the white balance only for one area of the scene but that can be the most important area, leaving only the less important areas for you to adjust during post-processing.

  2. #22

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    I think the link that Mark gave me in my thread 'Long Exposures' in the Nature section has very useful information. So, I have copied and pasted it for the other members who may not have followed the other thread.

  3. #23
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Some one linked to a video in your other post that seems to clearly show what causes the colour cast. IR radiation. It does make a lot of sense as the filters may well be ND as far as the visible spectrum goes but not IR. The camera is shielded from this by a combination of a built in filter and or the lens fitted. This doesn't stop them from being used for IR photography though - just needs rather long exposures. This is exactly what using an ND filter achieves - a long exposure.

    One option might be to search Camlink uv/ir on ebay. Some sellers list them as such but Camlink don't seem to mention that aspect only UV. There are currently some B&W UV/IR filters on at very low prices. The seller over charges for shipping to the UK but still a lot cheaper than the usual price for these. I am told by some one who bought one that they appear to have a very slight polarising effect. That could just be down to excellent filtering. Or buy B&W from the usual sources. There is also another make listed on ebay from some one based in Germany. Also Hong Kong.


  4. #24
    Peeshan's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    ajohn's explaination is right.
    According to my brother in the cinema industry, they always use ND/IR when seriously stopping down exposure. Apparently B&H photo have them also for camera, if you are interested in going further it might be worth trading at leats one of your ND filter for a ND/IR (I haven't looked the prices though).

    edit: to clarify: ND/IR means it's a ND filter with a IR-reflective treatement
    Last edited by Peeshan; 4th July 2014 at 04:39 PM. Reason: explaination

  5. #25

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Thanks for the explanation Phil

    Quote Originally Posted by dubaiphil View Post
    I'm shooting RAW, so I can adjust WB in post. Lazy, I know.

    I'm simple you see - I build my long exposure shots from an image with no filter

    Naked lens - make a mental note of settings
    Add Grad ND - make a mental note of settings if different (maybe metering off the brightest area and doing a mental check that I'm getting roughly the amount of stops that my filter's supposed to give me)
    Add 10 stop - add 10 stops to shutter speed and shoot - if there's changing light levels during sunset/sunrise then an adjustment of the shutter speed based on gut feel to suit

    Now if I'm in RAW and auto WB, then I can see the adjustments to WB in post processing and I have my original Auto WB setting which generally gets things right - then I can apply the same WB to the image with the Grad ND and 10 stop

  6. #26

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Thank you John and Peeshan for your suggestions. I will google UV/IR and ND/IR filters

  7. #27

    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    I'm new to this.Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

  8. #28
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Thank you John and Peeshan for your suggestions. I will google UV/IR and ND/IR filters
    I've decided to try the UV/IR filters for normal use and see if they make any difference. As far a 10 stop and IR Tiffen seem to be the only option easily available in the UK at about £44 for the screw in type plus one step up ring to cover the 2 sizes I might need. It wouldn't surprise me if I tried 2 filters first though. The Tiffen square ones seem to be a mite expensive. Ouch type prices


  9. #29

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    John, I googled IR filters for B+W brand too in case I might buy one in the future. It is expensive, 117 USD, anyway I don't need it for the time being . The one I googled was transparent, it was actually an UV/IR filter. I saw another IR filter which was really dark. Do you know what that is used for? To take infrared photos?

    Quote Originally Posted by ajohnw View Post
    I've decided to try the UV/IR filters for normal use and see if they make any difference. As far a 10 stop and IR Tiffen seem to be the only option easily available in the UK at about £44 for the screw in type plus one step up ring to cover the 2 sizes I might need. It wouldn't surprise me if I tried 2 filters first though. The Tiffen square ones seem to be a mite expensive. Ouch type prices


  10. #30
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    The dark ones are IR pass through for taking IR photo's.

    If you want a 62mm B&W IR/UV filter don't forget ebay number 191107386999 or other sizes from this seller ebay number 251267451232

    I have seen comments from Turkey about using ebay. Odd as there seems to be a site

    but if I enter the ebay numbers in the search nothing come up. Usually ebay home pages, might be at the bottom of Ebay Today or what ever has links to various sites some where at the bottom of the page. I would be surprised if the seller of the 2nd number wouldn't ship to Turkey. Not sure about the 1st one which is from the USA. The Tiffen 10stop plus IR is ebay number 141319104985. A UK seller that ships world wide.

    I just found out how you could use the Turkey site. There was an Ebay advert on it. Clicked on that and it took me to a normal ebay page. Entered the number in search and the right item came up. There may be another way - pass I can't read Turkish.

    In the UK import charges can be expensive. Our limit is now £15 and 20% has to be paid if over that. Not too bad but they can charge £13 for collecting the tax which can make cheaper things too expensive. If I find something abroad that I want I always ask if they will ship here even if it's not mentioned. Most people say ok and quote a price for shipping. Chinese and Hong Kong sellers will generally ship anywhere.


  11. #31

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Thank you very much for the details John, I have noted down the numbers for the future need I actually bought my 10 stop ND from Turkey but it was more expensive than the ones abroad. When I bought my camera and lenses I wanted to buy them in Turkey, because the warranty doesn't work in Turkey if you buy the goods from abroad. But if I want to buy some filters in the future I might buy them from abroad if the ones in Turkey are very expensive. A filter can't be repaired if it breaks and a warranty isn't as important as a warranty for a camera

  12. #32

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    John, I have forgotten to say that I usually find the website you mentioned above (gittigidiyor) expensive for photography equipment. I personally buy my equipments from well-known special shops in Istanbul. I usually get an adapter ring or a spare battery as a present from them when I buy an equipment which is expensive

  13. #33

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    I usually get an adapter ring or a spare battery as a present from them when I buy an equipment which is expensive
    The only time a similar thing happened to me was 24 years ago when I was negotiating with a very nice Berber family in Morocco. As grateful as I was for their present, it indicated to me that their negotiating skills regarding the other transactions had won out over mine.

  14. #34

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    Re: Problem with ND filter/Colin might know..

    Don't misjudje yourself Mike. You have been here in CIC to help , this is the biggest present for us

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    The only time a similar thing happened to me was 24 years ago when I was negotiating with a very nice Berber family in Morocco. As grateful as I was for their present, it indicated to me that their negotiating skills regarding the other transactions had won out over mine.

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