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Thread: New member

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Bury Gt Manchester
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    pete Burns

    New member

    Hiya my name is peter burns,I live in Manchester England. I am 59 years old,and I have never had any interest, in photography. until I started looking at where I was !!! Then I started thinking that, would make an interesting that's how it started, I must have been walking about with my eyes closed because, since I have had a camera in my hands,the world just looks totally different, I have bought and sold a few cameras over the last year or so, and now I have settled, for a fujifilm XT 1, which I love.I have so much to learn and Cambridge in colour. Looks like a fantastic place to start.Pete

  2. #2
    gregj1763's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Launceston Tasmania
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    Re: New member

    Well welcome Pete, great to have you here and I'm sure you will enjoy being part of a friendly and informative forum.

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