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Thread: YouTube Playlists

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    YouTube Playlists

    Is here any way that I can separate the YouTube videos in my playlist into categories and sub-categories?

    As an example, I would like a category NIK Software with sub categories of the individual portions of the NIK Software like Viveza or Define.

    I am learning most of my NIK from YouTube and would like an organized "textbook" of YouTube videos to refer to...

  2. #2
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: YouTube Playlists

    I'm sure there must be an easier way Richard but I have simply organised the links in my browser bookmarks, so I have a bookmark folder for photography, travel etc., and under the photography section subfolders for techniques, retail, reviews etc. Nik video, Lightroom video links are then in sub folders under 'techniques' , and so on.
    It sounds complicated but it works for me.

    YouTube Playlists
    Last edited by Clactonian; 21st August 2013 at 08:33 AM.

  3. #3
    BJ Denning's Avatar
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    Re: YouTube Playlists

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Is here any way that I can separate the YouTube videos in my playlist into categories and sub-categories?

    As an example, I would like a category NIK Software with sub categories of the individual portions of the NIK Software like Viveza or Define.

    I am learning most of my NIK from YouTube and would like an organized "textbook" of YouTube videos to refer to...
    I think all you can do is to create different playlist. So no nesting, like subfolders. I have a Photoshop playlist, flash playlist, etc.

  4. #4
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: YouTube Playlists

    Hi Richard,

    I just wonder why you are using iTunes library for your videos. I have mine stored in my regular folder structure (some are YouTube, some I've captured from elsewhere), with whatever sub-folders and nesting seems convenient, with a desktop short cut to the top folder. I just browse down to the one I want and play it from there. No messing around with Playlists. I happen to use a (free) video player called VLC media player, but any player will do the job.


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