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Thread: photoshop cc, worth it?

  1. #1
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    photoshop cc, worth it?

    Hi guys, the canon 6D raw file isnt compatible with CS5, and was told by a friend to try photoshop cc, its only $20 a month. And from what he read and cant really get the answear on the adobe site, that lightroom is inclueded, is that right? And would it be worth getting photoshop cc??

  2. #2
    Jeff S's Avatar
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    Re: photoshop cc, worth it?

    I use Photoshop cc and LR5 comes with it. I love it. Your price quote seems low to me, (maybe it's an introductory offer ?), but even at a higher price point, I still like having it and the regular updates. In fairness, from what I read, lots of people don't like the idea of a never ending stream of payments (who would?) but it fits in my budget and I was updating often enough with PS and LR that it isn't that much more expensive for me. Also, and this factors into my decision, I also use some of the other programs that come with the CC package like InDesign and Premiere Pro. Here's a link to what's included:

  3. #3
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Re: photoshop cc, worth it?

    jeff, the sprice is for the single-app, as i dont need any others. Just photoshop cc, also thats a yearly one not month tho month, and also in Australian

  4. #4

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    Re: photoshop cc, worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by allenlennon View Post
    Hi guys, the canon 6D raw file isnt compatible with CS5, and was told by a friend to try photoshop cc, its only $20 a month. And from what he read and cant really get the answear on the adobe site, that lightroom is inclueded, is that right? And would it be worth getting photoshop cc??
    Hi Allen,

    Not sure if you saw my reply to your previous post about it, but CS5 will handle 6D RAW files with the greatest of ease; all you need to do is convert them to Adobe's standardised DNG RAW format using their free converter (which I've long done as a matter of course even when I was using a compatible version of Photoshop, as it offers several advantages over *.CR2 RAW files).

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: photoshop cc, worth it?

    There are other RAW converters out there too; use the one that came with your camera and output as a TIFF file and then work it in your existing copy of PS5. The critical things you need to do in RAW are to bake in the white balance and gamma (and lens corrections if the RAW convertor supports it).

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