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Thread: PSE8 disc burning

  1. #1
    RonH's Avatar
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    PSE8 disc burning

    My PSE8 burning function does not work eg select some pics to burn, click Share, then the Burn cd/dvd. Nothing can be done beyond this. I have followed the Adobe Help and also raised the issue in their Forum but no luck so far.
    Anyone familiar with this problem or has a solution?
    Its a bit of a worry when looking at PSE8 Adobe forum/s ... seems that many users experience quite a few software snags ... with so much experience one would hope that Adobe had cracked most issues.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: PSE8 disc burning

    Hi Ron,

    I'm at work now (without Elements) so I cannot be more specific than...

    I recall that somewhere in Options/Preferences (whatever it's called), there is an option to do with burning DVDs, but I don't know what it does, or if it is relevant, but worth a look perhaps.


  3. #3
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: PSE8 disc burning

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Ron,

    I recall that somewhere in Options/Preferences (whatever it's called), there is an option to do with burning DVDs, but I don't know what it does, or if it is relevant, but worth a look perhaps.

    Thanks Dave,
    Had a sticky but could not find anything helpful. Will see if Adobe forum can come up with anything unless more ideas?

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: PSE8 disc burning

    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    Thanks Dave,
    Had a sticky but could not find anything helpful. Will see if Adobe forum can come up with anything unless more ideas?
    Hi Ron,

    'sticky' = 'peek' right?

    Just had a look (in my PSE6), what I had seen was "Enable Multi-session CD/DVD burning" in the Files section, but it doesn't look relevant, I agree.

    Does the CD/DVD drive work from another application?
    Or has it got a read only disk in like a movie?

    Just trying to think why it won't play ball
    Good luck with Adobe, you may need it from what I hear


  5. #5

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    Re: PSE8 disc burning

    Click Share, then the Burn cd/dvd. Nothing can be done beyond this.
    Hi Ron: I have Elements 8 to and I just tried this. It works on mine, but there is a bit of a wait after selecting the drive, and if you are an impatient person like I usually am, you may have cancelled out of it before it was finished.

    Here is what happens on my System. Click Share then Burn CD/DVD. I have 2 drives on my system so then I have to select the drive in a pop up window. At this point there is quite a wait. (in computer time anyway) There is no indication that anything is happening and I probably would have cancelled out, but I was doing something else and after a minute or so a popup appeared and asked me to insert the disk. After that my regular windows software kicked in and I carried on and selected my files and created backups of a couple folders that I hadn't done yet.

    Long story short, what I am suggesting, is that maybe you did not wait long enough after clicking the Burn cd/dvd, or making the drive selection if that is applicable on your system. I know it seems silly, but it would be nice if that's all it is.


  6. #6
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: PSE8 disc burning

    Watch the light on the face of the CD burner and see if it lights up when you select it, or when you tell it to burn. When it lights, don't take another step for a minute to a minute and half (90 seconds ... coffee time )

    If the light doesn't light, the CD burner is not being addressed and activated by the software.


  7. #7
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: PSE8 disc burning

    Takk for all your inputs ... Oh, and Dave you are spot on, 'sticky (beak)' is 'peek!

    I made the pic selection, pressed all the correct buttons and waited and waited and waited ... nothing.
    Then I tried to see if I could make a simple slide show instead of just selecting pics to burn. Hey Presto, it worked. Back to trying just a simple burn of some pics ... IT WORKED! I think it needed some antifreeze ... its -18C here today!

    But you are correct ... one has to be very patient with some of this Adobe stuff! For simple burns it would be quicker to use the Windows Pictures file and burn whatever with other than 'Adobe!

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