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Thread: Outside the mosque

  1. #1
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Outside the mosque

    Normally the mosques have enough capacity for everyone to pray inside but during Ramadan these is overspill into the areas outside the building. That is what these carpets are for, stacked and ready for the next prayer.

    Quite a rarity - I like the colour version of this shot. The street light which illuminated this scene created a colour balance (and shadows) similar to golden hour, even though it was 11pm

    I still like the B&W too though.

    Outside the mosque

    Outside the mosque

  2. #2
    Mito's Avatar
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    Re: Outside the mosque

    I prefer the colour version. I like the colours in the prayer mats.
    The others you posted I like very much. B&W seems to suit these type of photos. They are all very photogenic people.

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Outside the mosque

    I think they are two very different pictures. Both very good, but each doing a very different thing. For me one is about a colourful scene, whilst the other is a study of two men.

  4. #4

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    Re: Outside the mosque

    It's an environmental portrait and, for me, the color one does a far better job of displaying the environment. Better yet, it does so without sacrificing anything about the subjects. Very well done!

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Outside the mosque

    I like both, the black and white timeless, the color version more modern looking.

  6. #6
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Outside the mosque

    As others have said, two quite different effects. I actually think I prefer the B&W, probably because of the timelessness that John refers to. Both very good images though.


  7. #7

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    Re: Outside the mosque

    I imagine I prefer your b&w because your usual photographs are of unfamiliar territory. Open bazaars and manual labourers in third world backgrounds feel old (to me) and suit the old style effects. Conversely, the modern buildings you've presented us do very well in full colour. It just works better. I've preferred b&w for well over 40 years and in many cases do believe the subject needs to fit the genre if it is to feel right. Many I see don't do it well. Yours do.

    The difference can also effect the way I view a photo. Case in point, for me it is easy to see the men as the focus of a smooth composition in the b&w while in the colour, the prayer mats add stress and keep pulling my eyes. I am bouncing back and forth with more time spent on the design of the pile of mats.

  8. #8

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    Re: Outside the mosque

    Quote Originally Posted by dubaiphil View Post
    Normally the mosques have enough capacity for everyone to pray inside but during Ramadan these is overspill into the areas outside the building. That is what these carpets are for, stacked and ready for the next prayer.

    Quite a rarity - I like the colour version of this shot. The street light which illuminated this scene created a colour balance (and shadows) similar to golden hour, even though it was 11pm

    I still like the B&W too though.

    Outside the mosque

    Outside the mosque
    I like the the photo in colour, mainly because of the colours of the carpets........

    But, as so often with your photos, I am surprised, that the people don't object to pose for you, do you ask them ?

    I mostly ask, but find then, if they agree, that they stand or sit to " pose " and so the naturally effect which I was seeking, is gone.......


  9. #9
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Outside the mosque

    I'm also off my usual preference here - I like the black and white version. Probably because the two gentlemen aren't as strong a focal point when competing with the brightly-colored carpet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Griddi
    But, as so often with your photos, I am surprised, that the people don't object to pose for you, do you ask them ?

    I mostly ask, but find then, if they agree, that they stand or sit to " pose " and so the naturally effect which I was seeking, is gone.......
    This can be a tricky little negotiation. Balancing a natural look with the courtesy of asking your subject is a fine balance. I've told the derby crowd to keep doing whatever they're doing if I start taking photos, because guess what, I started taking photos because you were doing something photo-worthy. Unfortunately, having the luxury of talking to your subjects beforehand is rare or nonexistent in street photography.

    When in doubt, I don't raise my camera. People's privacy and comfort is more important than my silly photos.

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