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Thread: Skeletons

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA
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    On June 6 , 1925, a huge landslide blocked the Gros Ventre River, forming what is now known as Lower Slide Lake. Forested areas were submerged but the tops of some of the trees remained above the waterline. Eighty eight later these trees remain as stark reminders of the lost forest. This photo was taken about seven miles east of Jackson Hole, WY, in the Gros Ventre Mountains.


  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Skeletons

    Hi Chuck,

    My comment would be that my brain is really struggling to 'scale' this - I don't know whether they are bushes or trees, you say trees, so I guess the thickest/shortest trunks on right are what?: say 2-3 feet across - or should I be guided by the gaps between trunks, which I imagine to be 30 feet or more (making the trunks somewhat fatter)

    I do think I can guess that this is the right hand 2/3s of the whole image captured though

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
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    wm c boyer

    Re: Skeletons

    Hindsight being what it is...a longer SS to blur the water may have been beneficial.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA
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    Re: Skeletons

    Dave and Chauncey, thank you for the feedback. I didn't think about the scale problem but your comments bring up an interesting aspect of photography. I doubt the people living in the northern Rocky Mountains would have as much trouble with scale in this photo. It is rare to find trees here that are three feet across. Perhaps the trees that look like stumps are at the most a foot across. Big trees are not part the mind set of people living in this area. But it is not likely the a lot of people on CIC live in, or are familiar with the northern Rocky Mountains. I should have thought or that.

    I think I have a solution to this problem - if I am lucky. I'm going to go back to the lake and wait for some geese to swim by the "skeletons". Perhaps that will give a visual reference that will address this problem.

    I appreciate the feedback. I reminds me that the world is bigger than just my valley.

    Cheers, Chuck

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