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Thread: HDR Sheep

  1. #1
    VanessaS's Avatar
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    HDR Sheep

    My first attempt at HDR. S/he was very cooperative.

    HDR Sheep
    Sheepy by Vanessa1969, on Flickr

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Have a guess :)

    Re: HDR Sheep

    Hi Vanessa,

    It looks more like an ultra tone-mapped image - not an HDR image.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: HDR Sheep

    Hi Vanessa,

    Colin's reply relates to the terminology.

    As you may know; HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, generally this means where the scene dynamic range exceeds what the camera is capable of capturing - there is nothing in this shot which makes that the case.

    I suspect you have edited the shot using something mis-labelled "HDR" but actually applying an ultra-tone-mapped process to it.

    Some like this effect, obviously you do - and there's nothing wrong in that
    Others don't, e.g. I prefer my shots looking more natural

    I see, from the Flickr meta data, you edited with PSE 11.

    Talking of the image, if mine I wouldn't have cropped quite so close, but I suspect you were trying to exclude other heads and legs of nearby sheep - in such situations, I might leave the crop wider, then clone over the intruding body parts, easily done with PSE 11.

    Hope that helps,

  4. #4
    VanessaS's Avatar
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    Re: HDR Sheep

    I cropped it in Photoshop because, at the time, I was using the trial version of Photomatix and it applied a watermark - but it is stitched using Photomatix first. Then cropped using Photoshop.

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