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Thread: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    Any C&C Most welcome.

    Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

  2. #2

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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    As most know I am landscape challenged/handicapped so take anything I say with less than a grain of salt.

    First off I like it - the 5-6 distinct layers is something not often seen.

  3. #3
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    I wish I had the chance to visit this beach when I went to CT!

    I can understand why you've got for a relatively fast aperture to freeze the motion of the crashing waves but the foreground beach being slightly out of focus distracts a little (in my opinion)

    Maybe upping the ISO to 400 and focusing a little closer may have helped, or letting 1/500th shutter speed down to 1/250th, combined with f8 instead of f5.6 may have given a little sharper a final image, front to back.

  4. #4
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    Andre, I think it is just slightly leaning to the right. Other than that the only thing I might consider is cropping above that bit of seaweed at the bottom. Takes out a lot of the out of focus rocks. But I'm wishy washy on that because I like it either way.

  5. #5

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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    I agree that there is a problem with too much out of focus foreground. Even if it was sharply focused I suspect it would overpower the rocks; which are the main subject.

    However, I wouldn't want to lose anything from the sides. So how about cropping to a different size ratio. Possibly 2 x 1 would be too much, so something in between?

    You may have got away with showing a little more sky instead of the foreground. But I assume that is impossible now.

    Otherwise, a good scene.

  6. #6

    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    would prefer less foreshore.....nice postcard.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    Thank you for spending time on this!

    Thanks Bobo.

    Phil: I was a little weary getting the foreground in focus - might lead the eye to focus on it instead of leading to the rocks, the mountain is the backdrop. I will try different settings next time.
    Blouberg Beach - very windy and very popular.

    Terri: it is leaning to the right, by .60 degrees. Thanks for the input.

    Geoff: it is never impossible - just go back and do it again!

    Dulaigh: less foreshore - it can be arranged.

    Thanks for all the input I will keep it all in mind next time I am in that same spot.

    Terri, bet you this one is straight.

    Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

  8. #8
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    Nice edit. Decreasing the foreground has effectively removed the distraction of the black seaweed and the focus issues.

  9. #9
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    Terri, bet you this one is straight.

    Table Mountain - A different Perspective:
    Yes, I believe it is! At first I couldn't believe I'd missed the ship when looking at it before. Then I realized this is a totally different picture with no crashing waves. Duh!

  10. #10

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    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    Quote Originally Posted by terrib View Post
    Yes, I believe it is! At first I couldn't believe I'd missed the ship when looking at it before. Then I realized this is a totally different picture with no crashing waves. Duh!
    Go back and do it again with some surf.

    Nice bit of blue sky and clouds in the second shot, and foreground just right.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: Table Mountain - A different Perspective:

    Thanks for the comments.

    No Kevin, I do not edit, I go back and do it again, like Geoff said.

    Always take more than one shot!!!!

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