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Thread: wooden boat fesival

  1. #1
    GEORDIE's Avatar
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    wooden boat fesival

    wooden boat fesival

    I visited an annual festival on the river Murray in South Australia at the weekend amazing number and diversity of crafts from paddle steamers to canoes. This is only one of many, I can't figure out how to post multiple pics. If someone can help with that I'd be grateful. C&C welcome as always.

  2. #2
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Hi Geordie, Lovely looking old boats. We have the same thing down here in Tassie and there is some good photo opportunities to take advantage of when it's on.
    Regarding the multiple photo posting, if you use Tinypics as I do have a read once you click the link below.
    Cheers, Greg
    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Hi Colin,
    May I be critical and to the point? No offence!

    I love the exposure and the colors in the image. Nothing wrong technically. Unfortunately it looks pretty much like a snapshot taken by Uncle Fred. You have not given any thought of how to capture this image, no planning, just shooting.
    You’ve cut the bow of the boat and that shadow spoils it, the reflection of the sun in the window of the bridge, Cutting the mast of a boat is not a good idea. See how you left out the colorful flags.

    May I send you back to try again? Try doing it in portrait mode or stand back far enough to get a picture of the whole boat. In this case the quay would be a problem. Try finding a boat in a different position. Look for a shot that tells a bit of a story. If you cannot find the image you are looking for you have no shot and it is beter to leave it for next time.
    Give a little thought about composition, colors, position of the sun, lines etc. Do a little planning before you shoot. Look trough the viewfinder and if you do not see a framed picture in the viewfinder do not press the shutter button.

    Jeepers but I am an old fart today. Nothing against you, just trying to encourage you to take beter pictures.
    Now zou vill go back and do it agaen and zou vill do it oentil zou get it rite.

  4. #4

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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    This is a difficult shooting situation but I don't think your results are as bad as perhaps Andre thinks. The biggest issue is that there is a lot of extraneous information in the photo, yet very little information that draws the viewer into the scene. In this situation, it can be helpful to use a longer focal length to isolate the details from the rest of the scene.

    As for posting multiple photos, if you're using Tinypic, you'll need to click the "Preview" button after uploading the first photo to be able to upload the second photo. Repeat that process until all photos are uploaded. That's not mentioned in the formal explanation of the process.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    A couple of questions requiring answers, Colin.

    How you photograph a wooden boat tends to depend on your knowledge of both boats and boatbuilding against getting an overall aesthetic photograph.

    I like to see any unusual design features; such as general shape (length, beam, draft) including the actual shape of the curved lines.

    This one for example, has a rather narrow beam to length and a fairly 'fine' upright area near the bow. Which suggests to me that it was designed more for being fast on sheltered water like a river than for rough saltwater use.

    The deck fittings and rails are also interesting.

    Photographing boats which are in close proximity to each other is never easy so something usually has to be left out, or extraneous parts of other craft has to be included. Always leave a bit of cropping room and be prepared to change the size ratio to suit each shot.

    Several angles of the same boat will give the viewer an idea of the general boat design.
    Where possible, details of the engine are welcomed by many boat enthusiasts.

    And with regard to uploading. As previously mentioned there are several options depending on the method used.

    When linking from another site. I like to paste each link into the appropriate icon from the text top tool bar (photo frame, insert image symbol) then post the item (text plus photo). Additional links are added singly using the Edit option.

    I like to save after each addition in case I do something wrong and lose everything. But you can add multiple links at the same time on separate lines. You may need to change the image size in the address line.

    Tinypics is probably the simplest method. Originally, I found it impossible to upload more than one photo using this option. Eventually, someone pointed out that after doing the first upload, selecting Upload on the Tinypics toolbar line enabled another image to be uploaded.

    The link given by Greg should explain everything with greater clarity.

    ps. If you get problems with Tinypics not working properly, try switching to the Go Advanced alternative to Quick Reply.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    We need more images. Nicely exposed.

  7. #7
    GEORDIE's Avatar
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Thank's Greg for your interest and the link.
    Cheers Colin.

  8. #8
    GEORDIE's Avatar
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Hi Andre thanks for your reply, absolutely no offence taken. I need and appreciate any help I can get.
    I have lots more pics from the wooden boat festival. So brace yourself.
    Cheers Colin

  9. #9
    GEORDIE's Avatar
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Hi Geoff.
    Thank you for the help with multiple uploads.
    I am not a boat person but went to the wooden boat festival seeing as an interesting day out and an opportunity to some photographs. There was so many craft ranging from paddle steamers to canoe's and everything in between. Hope you might find some pics interesting when I find time to post them.
    Cheers Colin.

  10. #10
    GEORDIE's Avatar
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Hi John
    More images coming. Cheers Colin.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    How you photograph a wooden boat tends to depend on your knowledge of both boats and boatbuilding against getting an overall aesthetic photograph.
    Come on Geoff, you can’t be serious. Very good tips, Geoff. However I do not think I need to be a motor mechanic to be able to capture good images of cars, or do I?

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Re: wooden boat fesival

    Look at some of the photos shown here which depict cars, motor cycles, tractors, etc as well as boats, taken by enthusiasts who really understand the equipment. Perfect angles are taken, which enable others with similar knowledge to identify and date the machinery.

    The same thing goes for photos of birds or insects, etc.

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