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Thread: Motorsport - Evolution Motorsport Classic Speedfest - Teretonga - Formula 5000

  1. #1
    rawill's Avatar
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    Motorsport - Evolution Motorsport Classic Speedfest - Teretonga - Formula 5000

    A shot from Friday's practice session:
    Formula 5000, Peter Dunn, Monaco, March 73A.

    An attempt at an improvement on my speedshots, handheld and panned.
    S Priority, 1/250 F7, Focal Length 300, no PP.

    Perhaps a little better in terms of sharpness, not sure how fast these cars are going, but well over 130 mph in my guesstimate.

    Motorsport - Evolution Motorsport Classic Speedfest - Teretonga - Formula 5000

    I guess more practice needed, but I wanted to watch some racing without the camera today.
    Maybe I am not a true photographer!

  2. #2
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Motorsport - Evolution Motorsport Classic Speedfest - Teretonga - Formula 5000

    You're right about it being just a little soft but if they are going past at that speed you're doing a better job than I have ever managed.
    Well done, Greg

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Motorsport - Evolution Motorsport Classic Speedfest - Teretonga - Formula 5000

    I don't really worry about the image being a TAD soft because of the speed at which the car is racing. Shooting a subject that is going across our field of view is, IMO, the most difficult.

    However, I would rather see the image cropped without the truck at the top. IMO cropping out that truck would provide more emphasis on the racing car...

    You "might" vary the shutter speed between shots. It is amazing the differences between images shot at different shutter speeds.

    You should have the opportunity to shoot multiple image during the occasions that the cars are racing by your shooting position. Perhaps a slightly higher shutter speed might give you a sharper image but, still blur the background. OTOH, I would prefer an image with less background blur due to panning and a sharper image of the subject car or cars.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 17th February 2013 at 03:44 PM.

  4. #4
    rawill's Avatar
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    Re: Motorsport - Evolution Motorsport Classic Speedfest - Teretonga - Formula 5000

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    However, I would rather see the image cropped without the truck at the top. IMO cropping out that truck would provide more emphasis on the racing car...

    I would prefer an image with less background blur due to panning and a sharper image of the subject car or cars.
    I think they are good suggestions, I like some background to show that there is something else going on, not just a car on a track.

    However, you are right about taking out the truck and creating a focus on the car.

    I was trying to get the car to completely fill the shot, while panning, and getting the blurred speedshot background.
    I used the 70-300 as the 28-200 would not fill the shot from where I was.

    I put the photo up totally untouched to see what comments others would make.
    Thank you Gregg and Richard for your interest.

    My efforts make me appreciate the efforts of others trying to get similar shots, and get them "right".

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