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Thread: mixed feelings

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Real Name
    Stanley de Graaf

    mixed feelings

    i took this photo when i was walking around the countryside,

    mixed feelings

    now is the problem that i just don't know what i think of this photo.
    it's just totally out focus with a lot of motion blur, on the other hand, it's kinda artistic.

    the way i took this photo is kind of a funny story,
    i was walking around with my friend and i was just playing with the settings while i was kneeling on the side of the road with a ditch in front of me. in that ditch sat a duck, on that moment thought my friend that he was funny and scared me and the duck, because of that i pressed the shutter accidentally and this image was the result.

    what do you think of this image..

    i will keep this image anyway but i wanted to get your opinion

    just be honest of what you think

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: mixed feelings

    Have you cropped it? or can you make it a little less central. It would work better if you cloned out the bright parts on the right hand edge.

    I had a similar sort of accidental photograph when some ducks took off before I was ready but with a bit of PP it almost works.

    mixed feelings

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Real Name
    Stanley de Graaf

    Re: mixed feelings

    hey L.Paul

    i didn't cropped it and i agree, the bright parts are a little bit anoying, when i have the time i am gonna pp it better.
    your photo looks like a painting that i saw at a museum long ago, i kinda like it, it's peacefull and at the same time very busy.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: mixed feelings

    Its recognizable so you have that. It displays movement so two points for you. And there are a lot of different editing techniques you can use (such as the art filters) to make it look entirely different so you have something there. And you added a backstory.

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