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Thread: Anyone use Olympus Viewer 2 ?

  1. #1

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    Anyone use Olympus Viewer 2 ?

    I bought last year in May the Olympus E - M5, as a second camera to my Fuji X100.......

    The Olympus E -M5 came with the software " Olympus Viewer 2 " which I have so far not downloaded, as I use Lightroom 3, ( my computer does not accept Lightroom 4 ) bevor I would perhaps download " Olympus Viewer 2 " which is the latest version, can somebody let me know, if it worth to download ?

    Thank you......


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone use Olympus Viewer 2 ?

    It is worth it if you shoot in RAW. Viewer will convert your RAW files to TIFF or jpeg. You can also use Viewer to do editing in RAW. I just downloaded Viewer after having previously used ib and Master2 which for some reason both became unusable (program crashes before launching or during conversion) after some use. The workaround suggested by Olympus support was to upgrade to new program. Hopefully Viewer lasts, the other option is to use Adobe DNG coverter which I haven't tried yet.

  3. #3

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    Re: Anyone use Olympus Viewer 2 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    It is worth it if you shoot in RAW. Viewer will convert your RAW files to TIFF or jpeg. You can also use Viewer to do editing in RAW. I just downloaded Viewer after having previously used ib and Master2 which for some reason both became unusable (program crashes before launching or during conversion) after some use. The workaround suggested by Olympus support was to upgrade to new program. Hopefully Viewer lasts, the other option is to use Adobe DNG coverter which I haven't tried yet.
    Thank you very much John,

    yes, I shoot in RAW, I will download Viewer 2, see how it goes, although I do the RAW editing so far in Lightroom 3, but perhaps it will be done quicker in Viewer 2 .........

    Greetings to you,

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