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Thread: Customised frames?

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Customised frames?


    There are times after I've finished working on an image I think I might like to hang it on the wall for a while. Trouble is that the aspect ratio is rarely on, or even close to, a standard frame size. I don't want to ruin the crop, of course, so I wonder how the folks here solve that dilemma.

    I guess the answers are buy it, or make it.

    Buying it - any suggestions for suppliers in the UK. Reasonable price - this is not professional stuff.

    Making it - I'd be prepared to have a stab (I hope I could find someone to cut the glass, though). Anyone here who could suggest what kit I would need. I'm guessing that a mitre block, appropriate saw, and clamps would be the basics, plus a way of cutting mounts. Also, any UK suppliers of framing materials?

    Thanks for any help,


  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Customised frames?

    There are semi pro mitre carpentry saws which come complete with a saw that mounts onto firm upright supports and has a small 'table' for supporting your work.

    Very easy to use; and difficult to lose fingers.

    Fairly cheap and widely available at DIY tool outlets. I've had one for years. Too wet to go to my shed now, but I think it was produced by Draper Tools.

    Getting the moulded framing may be more difficult. I have seen it previously but can't remember where. Pro framers must get it from somewhere.

    Joining the mitre cut ends together is probably the most difficult. A decent workbench should allow you to produce a holding frame to keep everything square.

    The next problem is actually joining the cut ends together. Most seem to have some form of metal joiners pressed into the wood. Which I assume could be tricky. But I have seen, at DIY outlets, some thin right angle metal pieces which will easily screw behind the frame at each corner. They just use normal wood screws.

    I have used them for various jobs, but not for producing photo frames.

    Glass can often be supplied cut from DIY shops and decorating suppliers. Preferably one of the traditional little shops should do this with no problems. But make sure it is good quality glass.

    All in all, nothing too difficult here; albeit a little on the fiddly side.

    ps. I suppose it would be relatively easy to reduce down an existing wooden frame.

  3. #3

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    Re: Customised frames?

    If your aspect ratios aren't too far from a standard one, you could just have a matte cut to the proper size.
    Doing the whole frame yourself could be rather finicky, and require some specialised tools.

    As for supplies, did you try Google? ('framing supplies UK' gave me, let's say, enough results)

  4. #4
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Customised frames?

    Hi Remco. Yes I certainly tried Google. Like you said, lots of hits. I'm hoping for advice from someone who has done it

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Customised frames?

    There are matte board cutters available...
    Just Google "Matte Board Cutter"

    Also Google "Custom Photo Frames"

  6. #6
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Customised frames?

    Quote Originally Posted by revi View Post
    If your aspect ratios aren't too far from a standard one, you could just have a matte cut to the proper size.
    Doing the whole frame yourself could be rather finicky, and require some specialised tools.

    As for supplies, did you try Google? ('framing supplies UK' gave me, let's say, enough results)
    Yes cutting your own mattes is a very good way to go. Buy a stock frame that is between 100mm to 140mm wider and 120 to 180mm higher. You can then cut a matte to suit. Normally you will want the sides widths of the matte to be the same and the top very close to being the same. The bottom should usually be between 20mm to 50mm wider. Usually it can all be juggled inside a standard frame.

    Note: I am assuming about an A4 size or bigger print. You may want to reduce the matte borders a bit with small prints.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 23rd January 2013 at 03:33 AM.

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