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Thread: "Lightbox" and Android: a tip

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    "Lightbox" and Android: a tip


    I often use my recently acquired Android tablet to view images on CiC. However, when I touch an image to display in Lightbox, I get the "navigator" panel across the bottom of the image, and touching outside the image (as I would in Windows) just reverts the image back to its in-line form. However, I have discovered that by touching the line along the very bottom of the Lightbox, the panel slowly fades and I can see the image properly.

    Hope this may save someone frustration!

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: "Lightbox" and Android: a tip

    Thanks Dave, I'm sure some members will find this helpful.

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