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Thread: On the street in Barcelona

  1. #1
    hytam's Avatar
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    Anthony Tam

    On the street in Barcelona

    I was planning to take some photos at the Mercat de la Boqueria but found that its closed on Sundays. So I came across this row of rental bikes the city setup at the Arc de Triomfp and took this at 1/250 f2.8 and ISO100 with my Canon 24/70mm f2.8 L USM lens. Sending this from my iPad without any PP, just straight from the SDHC, image saved in S3. Should have saved in RawS instead. Live and learn. Comments? Thanks and God bless.
    Anthony Tam.

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Donald; 11th December 2012 at 01:23 PM. Reason: Image inserted inline

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: On the street in Barcelona

    I've placed the image into your message, so that it appears at a larger size and so viewers don't have to click on the thumbnail. If you haven't already done so, please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to get your pictures into your messages. Click HERE to read the thread.

    If that doesn't help solve the problem, then please do come back and ask for further help.

    As to your image. I am wondering what is was you wanted to do in choosing such a large aperture (f2.8) that provides such a narrow depth of field? I think the idea of having a restricted depth of field is a good one, but believe that f2.8 was too wide for such a shot. Maybe f4 or f5.6 would worked better?

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: On the street in Barcelona

    Anthony, I think that I se what you saw in this shot. However, I agree with Donald that a smaller aperture and greater depth of field might have been a better choice. Boosting the ISO would have allowed the use of f/11 or even f/16...

    For a lot of walk around shooting I like to use programmed mode. I can then run through my f/stop + shutter speed combinations using the main dial of my 7D and use the rear quick dial to adjust the exposure up or down.

  4. #4
    hytam's Avatar
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    Anthony Tam

    Re: On the street in Barcelona

    Hello Donald and Richard,

    There are times when my eyes don't really focus well, especially when I've come from a darkened area/ taking off my Polaroids, to a lighted one when I get a 'f2.8' situation with my vision. This was exactly what I saw looking down the line of bikes when my eyes could only focus on the bike number 16518. The large letters were fine but all the other numbers were out of focus except 16518 from where I was. I thought of putting the numbers dead center of the photo but somehow the framing was not to my liking so I chose the above instead. Saving it to my second memory in JPG S to accommodate the size restrictions didn't help with the sharpness of the image as I'm not carrying a laptop but posting directly from my iPad.

    Thank you Donald for helping me to place it directly in the post; I tried earlier but somehow the it won't allow me to do it. I will however try it again right after this and see if it can't be done on the iPad. Thanks again for your critic and comments.

    God bless and best regards,
    Anthony Tam.

    PS: Donald, I found out how to place the image in the post, however I'm having trouble trying to rotate photos taken in portrait to show up in the post as it always displays in landscape. Can't find the rotate command when attaching the image even though it shows up properly in my camera as the "Help thread: How can i post images here?" #46. Thanks.
    Last edited by hytam; 12th December 2012 at 08:00 AM. Reason: Post script addition

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