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Thread: I have been working under a misconception...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    I have been working under a misconception...

    For some strange reason, I thought that there was a place in the profile that mentioned "It is not O.K. to edit my images." and looking at a poster's profile, when I did not see that statement I assumed that it was O.K. to edit an image posted. Looking back, it may have been another site that had the "edit" or "do not edit" explanation in the poster's profile. I stand corrected for the wrong assumpton...

    Well, as we used to say in the Navy, to "assume" will often make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".

    I would have absolutely no problems with anyone editing any of my pictures and posting that edit, unless that editing made the subject look foolish.

    Often, it is easier to show an edited version than go through the complex explanation of editing recommendations.

    I hope that I have not offended anyone by posting a suggested edited version of the image thay had posted. And I apologize retroactively for any offense...

  2. #2
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Not to worry..... as long as you provide the complex explanation concurrently

  3. #3

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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    What I sometimes do particularly with the Project 52 threads, when someone is asking for advice, is to upload an edit in a personal album which I keep for that purpose and just paste a link as a reply.

    Together with a little bit of explanation text regarding what I have down, and why.

    It has been suggested, from the start of the Project 52, that these particular postings are personal so direct uploading of edits is discouraged. Chiefly to reduce thread size and maintain clarity with long threads.

    Perhaps this is what you were thinking about, Richard.

  4. #4

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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    This came up recently on a different thread. Another forum I frequent has 4 or 5 options related to critiques and editing that appear directly under what is the "Real Name" one this site. Alternatively you can do what I just added in my signature below. Works well.

  5. #5
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    I know that I am a rank amateur, and it seems very reasonable to ask that your images aren't edited, if that is what you want. But I'd be very happy if some kind person improved my image. I might feel a bit abashed that I didn't do better, but it would give me something to aspire to. Maybe I should add something to that effect if I post - but it honestly never occurred to me that it might be an issue.

  6. #6

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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Some people do specifically request help and/or edits with each image they post, Dave.

    That certainly helps others to know how they should react.

  7. #7
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Except in the P52 thread for reasons mentioned above, I have no problem with anyone editing my images. All I ask is the reason and an explanation as to how the changes were made. I would love to learn what others see differently in my images and how to make the changes on my own copy of the image.

    A while back this sensitivity issue came up and as a result, the normally helpful examples and feedback were significantly curtailed for quite a while. I felt that we had lost a critical learning resource (for not only the poster but for anyone that was following the threads as well) as a result. Hopefully that will not happen again.

  8. #8

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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Hi Richard,

    If I had to edit one of your images, or an image of Leo or Phil or Donald or Colin you would probably ask me who the h*@l do you think you are to edit my image. It would be arrogant of me to edit one of your images – unless you have specifically asked for the image to be edited.

    Before I would dare edit an image I will make sure the member has asked for help in that direction. Maybe I do not feel myself qualified to attempt an edit on the work of others. I will download the image and do an edit but not post my version. Suggesting an edit and how to do it will probably be the beter option. Maybe it is also a beter way of learning – do it yourself, if you wish.

    Many members do not mind if their images are edited, I think some appreciate it to see the potential in their work. It might be encouraging to some. Others might feel different.

    Personally I do not like any editing done to any of my images. Anyone can rather tell me it is a crappy image and I have to go back and try again. At least give me some reason why you think it is a crappy image when telling me it is no good.

  9. #9

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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Personally - I don't mind people editing my images - if it's done with "respect". 99 out of 100 I'm fine with - it's just the 1 out of 100 when they do something hideous to it that I see red.

    When it comes to posting edits - generally - I just take an attitude that "we're here to learn - I sincerely believe my edits improve images - most people are happy for that effort - and if anyone doesn't like it then they only need to mention it and the "offending" image/post is easily removed. On the odd occasion someone will "throw the toys out of the cot" - but in my opinion we can't stop trying to help 99% because 1% may be a little offended (especially when it's so easily fixed).

  10. #10

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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Perhaps , just to make sure we don't offend anyone, we can show respect and courtesy by asking permission from the original author/photographer.

    ( doesn't take too much time and quite easy to do.)

    Just me.


  11. #11
    Tringa's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    I have no objection to anyone editing my images. I this always useful to see another view and to learn.

    I suggest, if possible, add a line to your signature to indicate if you are happy for your images to be edited, or not.


  12. #12
    oleleclos's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Thanks Richard for raising this question. I suggest that clarity is the best way to avoid misunderstandings and treading on toes, and like Dave I have therefore amended my signature accordingly. I hope people won't think of it as legalistic gobbledegook but mainly as a friendly invitation that just states the obvious that whatever anyone else does to it, the picture is still mine.

  13. #13
    groovesection's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Personally i have no problems with anyone editing my images, I have in fact been in receipt of this when i posted a few images asking for advice on improving as a photographer.
    I found it quite invaluable to see how other photographers interpret a captured image.

    I can however understand why some members may not be so accepting of editing of their work.

    Maybe we could have a separate thread specifically for posting images for C&C and the allowance of editing by other members for educational purposes?

  14. #14
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Quote Originally Posted by nimitzbenedicto View Post
    Perhaps , just to make sure we don't offend anyone, we can show respect and courtesy by asking permission from the original author/photographer.

    ( doesn't take too much time and quite easy to do.)

    Just me.

    It takes even less time for the origional poster of the image to state in the post whether they are happy with edits or not. Personally i think all advice here is well ment and although i might not like an edit it doesnt mean that there is nothing to learn from it.

  15. #15
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Quote Originally Posted by groovesection View Post
    Personally i have no problems with anyone editing my images, I have in fact been in receipt of this when i posted a few images asking for advice on improving as a photographer.
    I found it quite invaluable to see how other photographers interpret a captured image.

    I can however understand why some members may not be so accepting of editing of their work.

    Maybe we could have a separate thread specifically for posting images for C&C and the allowance of editing by other members for educational purposes?
    Anton, separate threads just mean more to look at!! i already spend far more time on here giving C&C than i should i think that Ole's suggestion of putting it in his signature or maybe something in the Left hand info box or even as i suggested above to put it in you original post would work better.

  16. #16
    John Morton's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    I think that, when someone asks for help or advice on one of their images, editing that image for the OP is pretty much necessary.

    1) There is no assurance that the OP will have the same software as someone trying to help them; so a long detailed "what to do" reply would be meaningless without an example of what that process will result in.

    2) Sometimes I think, "Oh - I have an idea that might work!" Sometimes my idea does work, and sometimes it doesn't; but I want to be sure that what I would like to suggest DOES in fact work before I suggest it. At that point, with an edited version, it simply makes sense to post the result so that the OP can see where the editing process being described leads.

    3) We all know here that "One picture equals ten thousand words." For brevity's sake alone, posting the result of a suggested edit is desirable.

    I think we are all mature enough here that we won't be degenerating into adolescent "Ha ha ha ha look what I did to your picture" kinds of behavior.

  17. #17

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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Quote Originally Posted by nimitzbenedicto View Post
    Perhaps , just to make sure we don't offend anyone, we can show respect and courtesy by asking permission from the original author/photographer.

    ( doesn't take too much time and quite easy to do.)

    Just me.

    Sounds good in theory, but for me, usually it's just a "spur of the moment" thing. If I had to wait (sometimes a day or more) for permission then I probably just wouldn't bother.

  18. #18
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    I really don't get why people get bothered by someone else modifying their image for the purposes of helping them. I do, however, respect that if it does bother you then it's your right - it's your picture. But as several have said, it's sometimes the easiest way to make a point. It would be a lot easier if people just accepted said help in the spirit it is intended. If I ever mess up and fail to notice a message in their signature line (which I never read) or wherever, I just hope they'll send me a nice PM and ask me to remove it and not stomp me publicly!

  19. #19
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I have been working under a misconception...

    Andre... You posted...
    "If I had to edit one of your images, or an image of Leo or Phil or Donald or Colin you would probably ask me who the h*@l do you think you are to edit my image. It would be arrogant of me to edit one of your images – unless you have specifically asked for the image to be edited."

    First of, thanks for including me with that distinguished group of CiC contributors...

    I would not be offended at all if my images were edited. I may not agree with the edit but, it is interesting to learn how others would go about the edit. Edits are really a personal thing and IMO (with some drastic) exceptions there are not really any good or bad edits; just personal choices and personal decisions which the OP might like or dislike.

    I don't post images for compliments (although they are nice to get). I have learned quite a bit from the opinions of other CiC members. There have often been things pointed out that I completely missed and which have improved my images...

    I wonder, perhaps, if there might be a way of learning whether a member objects to their images being edited, other than using a private email that is. I for one will post "O.K. to Edit" when I post images. Perhaps, it would solve some hurt feelings, if posters who don't desire an edit to post that also...

    I know that some photographers will say, "I shouldn't have to say don't edit." But, I also know that there are some posters who are either ambivalent to the editing of their images or who appreciate the feedback...

    Perhaps including editing yes or no in the signature might be the ticket.

    I will say no more except that I fully appreciate any person not wanting their images altered...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 19th November 2012 at 09:40 PM.

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