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Thread: My first Newborn session

  1. #1
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    My first Newborn session

    Well- I wish I was more on it- I actually was super nervous when it came down to taking the shots- my hands began shaking immensely! Had to stop, walk it off a bit- I did get better towards the end- wish I can do it all over again, now that Im looking at my shots... Gotta keep on shooting, and getting more comfortable. I am honored to have been given the opportunity to shoot my nephew- such a good learning experience for me. I realized I need to pay more closer attention to the details in my shot- check my settings etc...
    here is a shot from today. More to come later...
    My first Newborn session

  2. #2

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Very nice, like it a loot!!

  3. #3
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Quote Originally Posted by Eduardo Rijo View Post
    Very nice, like it a loot!!
    Thank You!

    Does anyone know If and how I can fix the right edge of the image, where the blanket is cutoff,right above the baseball glove- and you see a dark shadow/the brick.. do I try cloning the blanket, and paint it in? Or is there a way to stretch or skew the blanket? I'm sure there is- which do you recommend? It's just really bugging me! I downloaded a free trial version of cs6 yesterday- so I can do edits on my photos from today's shoot...Ahh, another thing to learn- PP!
    Thank you, your help, advice is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Captured; 24th August 2012 at 11:19 PM.

  4. #4

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Maybe I'm not the best person to help in this field because I do not have much experience, but surely someone here in the forum can help ... perhaps with content-aware tool in cs6.

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Here is another edit- still trying to get it right!
    used liquify in cs6, then went back to pic monkey for other quick, simple edits... But not sure if I'm liking this edit though!

    My first Newborn session
    Last edited by Captured; 24th August 2012 at 11:59 PM. Reason: forgot the pic

  6. #6

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    It is also very good, but I like the warm colors of the first.
    But is just an opinion

  7. #7
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    If I may, I prefer the first shot you posted, and I don't think that little area of cut off blanket deserves any of your attention. It looks good to me. And, I like the creativity of your composition. I'm not sure exactly how you've treated it in PP, but it does seem a little soft to me. I understand that may be the effect you were going for as it's an infant, and the softness of focus exemplifies the how infancy is perceived - but for me, I think I would still like to have something in focus - more than likely his face.

  8. #8
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew76 View Post
    If I may, I prefer the first shot you posted, and I don't think that little area of cut off blanket deserves any of your attention. It looks good to me. And, I like the creativity of your composition. I'm not sure exactly how you've treated it in PP, but it does seem a little soft to me. I understand that may be the effect you were going for as it's an infant, and the softness of focus exemplifies the how infancy is perceived - but for me, I think I would still like to have something in focus - more than likely his face.
    Thank you- I agree, I like the first better, too. So I shouldn't tr to adjust the cutoff from the blanket? I've "sneak peeked" the first image to my step sister, and her boyfriend- they and their friends ( on FB) Loved it- BUT, I just see what they don't seem to notice... Things I should improve on next time. I still want to do my best and give them quality images- even though there won't be a whole lot _just the best of the batch...
    Another question I have: Do I resize the image in photoshop inorder for them to get good prints: I'm thinking they are just going to take it to a local store and have them printed. ( I know as I dive more into photography, I'm going to have to pick a photo lab, have my clients or I order from there- make sure my monitor is calibrated etc.
    There probably is a tutorial for this on here- just not quite confident w/ all the tech stuff, pixels, sizing...
    Last edited by Captured; 25th August 2012 at 01:08 AM.

  9. #9
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    I think the quality of the photo is fine, could it be better? Absolutely!! Would a photo that was more professionally rendered have captured the moment? Not a chance!! I think that this is a wonderful image, and your sister-in-law will love it as it stands. Now go enjoy your niece and spoil her well. For what it's worth, I prefer the second.

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Hey- we're all here to learn, right?
    So, I'm including the horrible original... Just so you can see what I am working with!
    My first Newborn session

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    I personally size the images to the format that will be printed before giving them out. It is inevitable that people will just take them to Walmart, or the next cheapest place to have them printed, and do their own sizing adjustments - which I personally don't like. That's a matter of personal preference though.

  12. #12
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew76 View Post
    I personally size the images to the format that will be printed before giving them out. It is inevitable that people will just take them to Walmart, or the next cheapest place to have them printed, and do their own sizing adjustments - which I personally don't like. That's a matter of personal preference though.
    Hehe- They mentioned Walmart, and CVS (pharmacy), I open the image, then resize it to lets say, 5x7 , or 8x10?? then save it, then edit, or edit, then resize?? Please excuse my ignorance/lack of knowledge- Do I let them know how it was saved (what size) so they don't recrop, or choose a size that doesn't work for the way the image was edited by me?
    Thanks, again!

  13. #13
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Well, that depends - again, this is just my workflow, so I'm sure others will comment and have variances. Depending on what you use to organize, and edit photos (I always shoot RAW, and use LightRoom, and ACR for all initial editing), I open the image and try to determine which aspect ratio would look best on that image - as cropping is a very big part of composition (although many would argue you should know which aspect ratio you are planning to print before you 'pull the trigger'). Back on track - So one of my first steps in post processing is the initial crop (again, that's just me). Then I edit, then I save. When I'm done, it's very rare, if ever that I go back and edit, or re-size the image.

    So, if my final product is an 8x10, then that's all you get. Some may disagree, but I'm a pretty firm believer that the composition of the image may be compromised by altering the ratio.

    Does that help you at all?

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    I think I agree with Andrew and I'd like the baby in focus. I like the second edit better too! The placement of the baseball is creative! Being me, I'd like a tighter crop--I want to see his little face. Maybe a different angle that would show his face straight on, but still including the body.

    Having said all that, you did a good job. I want to hold him!!!!!

  15. #15
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Krisztina it is a great image composition, as mentioned very creative composition and good execution.

    Some advice althought I am not an advanced photographer myself:

    First of all I love the first version, the dreaming/soft look fits great for me but probably it is too strong. As always we can not be sure unless we see different versions side-by-side so just experiment.

    The blanket cut is not such a problem, if you want to remove it however the edge streching techique might work better because it is near the edge and it is a luminocity gradient there, but still you need to try all methods until you get the results you want. Usually there is not a right or wrong method from the begging, just methods with higher probabilities to work.

    Another technique that might help to lessen the impact of the cut and improve your image is post processing vignetting in order to drive the viewer's attention more to the baby and not the red wall in the back.

    I also agree with Gretchen that a tigher crop would help tp focus better on the baby and a lower shooting angle would probably be better compositionally.

    About the PP workflow for sure you need to make the resizing in the end. Don't forget that in Lightroom/ACR everything you do is reversable. In photoshop if you need to remove the blanket cut you should do it before cropping to make use of the pixels to be removed on the right in any content aware step to get a nicer transition.

    And last but not least what a handsome nephew you have!

  16. #16
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Quote Originally Posted by MilT0s View Post
    Krisztina it is a great image composition, as mentioned very creative composition and good execution.

    Some advice althought I am not an advanced photographer myself:

    First of all I love the first version, the dreaming/soft look fits great for me but probably it is too strong. As always we can not be sure unless we see different versions side-by-side so just experiment.

    The blanket cut is not such a problem, if you want to remove it however the edge streching techique might work better because it is near the edge and it is a luminocity gradient there, but still you need to try all methods until you get the results you want. Usually there is not a right or wrong method from the begging, just methods with higher probabilities to work.

    Another technique that might help to lessen the impact of the cut and improve your image is post processing vignetting in order to drive the viewer's attention more to the baby and not the red wall in the back.

    I also agree with Gretchen that a tigher crop would help tp focus better on the baby and a lower shooting angle would probably be better compositionally.

    About the PP workflow for sure you need to make the resizing in the end. Don't forget that in Lightroom/ACR everything you do is reversable. In photoshop if you need to remove the blanket cut you should do it before cropping to make use of the pixels to be removed on the right in any content aware step to get a nicer transition.

    And last but not least what a handsome nephew you have!
    Thank You! I need to lessen the softness in some areas, and will try to create a stronger focus around the face. I also thought of vignetting, but I really didnt want to bring in too much darkness- I will still play around with the image, and hopefully I will get a better result!

  17. #17
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Here is a different shot- closer in to his face
    1.My first Newborn session
    2. same shot- different edit.
    My first Newborn session
    And just to change things up: here is another image I wanted to share: new setting- and prop. My issue with the basket lies in the fact that I didnt have my assistant (the dad) move the basket handles away from his arms, and I wish I propped his head up more, to get better angles of his face etc.
    He is sitting above our (my parents') Koi pond/waterfall- so I was limited by that as well...
    For PP I want to figure out how to get the pinkness out of his skin, for a more neutral, creamier skin tone!

    My first Newborn session

    My first Newborn session
    Last edited by Captured; 26th August 2012 at 05:37 PM. Reason: adding another photo

  18. #18

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    I LOVE the first one of his face. oooooh!

  19. #19
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    Re: My first Newborn session

    Thank you, All!

  20. #20

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    Re: My first Newborn session

    All great, but the sepia toned "Closer to his face" is the winner for me. If you have photoshop, to get decrease the pinkness, I'd try a hue/saturation layer, use the picker to select the pink tones and then either desat them or lighten them; whichever looks best. If you just want to remove the pink from the baby's skin, invert your layer mask and then paint over the baby to remove the pink.

    Your step-sister and family will be crazy about these photos. As for sizing, if I have to deliver a file, when I name it I put the size in the file name. Example: Img 123-Baby in basket 5x7.

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