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Thread: Fertility

  1. #1


    An experiment set (in work) so any comments will be very welcome. The original statue is in the Secret Garden at Longleat House.





  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Fertility

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    The original statue is in the Secret Garden at Longleat House
    Ah, yes, the garden with signs in code
    Never cracked the code, or found the garden

    (I'm only joking, never been there - at least not in living memory)

    These three could almost form a "guess where the key light was" challenge.

    Seriously now:

    An experiment set (in work)
    also intrigued me, but not understood.

    So, this isn't the original statue, but a model?

    A very cryptic post.

  3. #3

    Re: Fertility


    I didn't mean to be cryptic It is the original but in the second and third image I have altered its form with iWarp in GIMP. That was the experiment along with heavy doses of contrast, levels and sharpening. It is in work because I am still not 100% happy with the effect. All the tinkering seems to given a slightly out of focus effect. There is some pretty crazy artwork at Longleat but if you have every seen Lord Bath's decorating technique it is hardly surprising.


  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Fertility

    Ah, stick, wrong end of.

    I thought work meant the day-job type of work.

    Hadn't realised there was warping in PP going on
    I thought I was looking at different lighting effects
    Not paying attention!

    As I say, well and truly, completely and utterly, wrong end of stick.

    I think I shall go and hide in a corner and see if the world makes more sense tomorrow!
    (Too busy being smug about the bad jokes in truth)

    Will I ever learn?

  5. #5
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Fertility

    The first image is - for me - the best one.
    It is powerful and metaphorical.
    Is inside ? No, if it is in a garden most probably is outside ...
    There is a certain absence of scale at least for me who doesn't know the place...

  6. #6

    Re: Fertility

    Hi WifeFox,
    I liked the first one.
    From the pic I could get that the light was from top, if you have some extra lighting sources can you try giving borders(On either side or at least in one side). I feel borders in black background gives a different look.


  7. #7

    Re: Fertility

    Dave I get hold of the wrong end of that many sticks my hands are full of splinters. Re- reading the Op I can see how the confusion arose.

    Ajith/Antonio. Thankyou for the comments. The statue was about 5ft tall and was sitting in a rather shaded corner of the garden. The natural light was from above with a smidgen of fill flash which because of my ignorance of flash photography underexposed the background of leaves. I have taken advantage of this in PP.


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