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Thread: Hong Kong Photo Shops

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Hong Kong Photo Shops

    I haven't visited Hong Kong in over 30 years but, I will be spending a few days there this spring. Although I don't really need any additional major photo equipment; it would be nice to visit some photo equipment stores which have good prices.

    Does anyone have any recommendations regarding Hong Kong photo shopping? If I buy anything, it will most lokely be in the line of accessories.

  2. #2
    cneedha's Avatar
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    Re: Hong Kong Photo Shops

    I bought my first camera in Hong Kong in 1976! $500 HK for a Minolta SRT. Have fun.

  3. #3

    Re: Hong Kong Photo Shops

    I was in Hong Kong earlier in the year. From memory, there are many photos shops on Stanley Street, just west of Central on Hong Kong island. I got some good deals on memory cards, however, the exchange rate back then made pretty much everything else (lenses) as expensive, if not more, than I could buy the same things back home in the UK. Even if you don't buy, you will enjoy looking at everything! Plus, the skyscrapers at night are pretty amazing.


  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Thank you for your help...

    I really don't need any photo equipment but, might pick up an accessory or two if the price is right and if the item excites my interest. I mostly just want to browse.

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