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Thread: For sale...

  1. #1
    Otavio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Real Name
    Otávio Oliveira

    For sale...

    Hi! This was a shot for a sale ad, as I am selling my bike. A workmate, who is also a member here (Antony) found the image beautiful and suggested me to post it here,for C&C. Although I didn't like it as much as Antony did... well, here it is. C&C welcome, as always!For sale...

  2. #2
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: For sale...

    Lighting, colour, and Dof are nice. With so little separation between the background and the bike, the eye gets tripped up a bit by the bush, and unless the physical constraints in which you were shooting wouldn't allow, it would have felt more complete to have included the back piece of wheel and exhaust. I suspect you've got some "blinkies" going off the chrome and the mirror- I'm sure not easy to control here.

  3. #3
    Otavio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Real Name
    Otávio Oliveira

    Re: For sale...

    Thanks Kevin! I really got some blinkies, due to the chromes. As you mentioned, they are not easy to control. Also, very helpfull feedback about the bushes on background!

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