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Thread: Tone Mapped

  1. #1
    jstp's Avatar
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    Tone Mapped


    I tone mapped this photo using Luminance HDR and am after some feedback please. Is it too much? Should I clone out the person on the left who's legs you can see? I am leaning towards cloning out but also think it adds a bit to the feel......dilemma. The original photos was not that sharp so I thought I could bring out some more with the tone mapping. Any advice and inputs would be greatly appreciated.



    Edit: the tinypic upload is not working so I have linked to my photobucket

  2. #2
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Re: Tone Mapped

    Im not a fan of hdr or fancy editing, i prefer to take my photos as is and only result in hdr's if really needed(evan than i dont like it). Now to your photo:

    It is a nice shot but in my opinion it has a few things in it that is, in my opinion, i dont like.
    1. looks over processed
    2. the glare(although it looks nice)
    3. too much clutter that dosnt fit in, such as the cars to the left, the bloke thats somewhat hidden behind the tree and the couple to the right in the distance(although, after further thinking i like them there) as well as that yellow sign, it is way to distracting.
    4. The power lines and signs, aswell as the building in the left.
    If you eliminated them it would be better. And to keep it to the minimalist(if thats what your intentions were).

    Now to what i like about the photo :
    I love the colors in this photo, and the DoP(although its probebly a little too much too my liking). And i like how my eyes follow the line of the trees.

    Al in all, i do like it, but it could be better with out the distractions i mentioned.

  3. #3
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Re: Tone Mapped

    About tiny pic problem, i too had a problem with it not being able to get photos through an url, but i got the BBCode of the images and copyed and pasted in place i want in the post, BBcode looks like this:
    Tone Mapped
    Untitled by AllenLennon, on Flickr

    And thats how i did this image.

  4. #4
    jstp's Avatar
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    Re: Tone Mapped

    Hi Allen,

    Thank you very much for your thoughts and ideas. Much of what you say had crossed my mind when processing and I have a number of different variations. This one is the tighter crop and I gave the clone tool a fair work out, I will figure out how to use it properly one of these days. This one I did not tone map and just adjusted it to what is pleasing to my eye. Thanks again for your feedback, it is all going into the mind pool to broaden my way of thinking and approach to photography.


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