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Thread: Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

  1. #1

    Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    I slung my art card against a wall after using it as photographic backgrounds. The contrasts took my eye and wondered how my camera would deal with the dynamic range. Needless to say the experiment went out of my head once I got the snaps into GIMP. C&C most welcome as always.

    Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    No2 - Petty much the original colours
    Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

  2. #2

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    I slung my art card against a wall after using it as photographic backgrounds. The contrasts took my eye and wondered how my camera would deal with the dynamic range.
    If your photographing something reflective (excluding specular reflections from mirror like surfaces) then the dynamic range almost certainly won't exceed 4 stops. Considering that most modern SLR cameras at their native ISO capture around 12 stops of dynamic range (RAW file), the answer to your question is "very well"

  3. #3

    Re: Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    Thanks for the slap Colin my head was still full of transportable release fraction calcs last night. When I thought about it after this weeks nightly installment of Torchwood I realised what I had said

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    Well for me, No.1 and No.4 remind me of dunes and pyramids, especially 4, it struck me immediately.
    No.2 reminds me of something, but decency forbids
    No.3 is just abstract, but I am reminded of a Kaskais with similar angles.

    What/where/who next for Torchwood, eh?

  5. #5

    Re: Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    What/where/who next for Torchwood, eh?
    mmm....What; Gordon Brown, Where;Butlins Pwllheli, Who; Alan Carr as Captain Jack, Lily Savage as Gwen and Johnny Vegas as Yanto. I did hear the BBC were strapped for cash

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Art Card, Flash & More Than a Little PP

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    What; Gordon Brown,
    I keep looking for the zip

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