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Thread: It was a Good Book!

  1. #1

    It was a Good Book!

    Just finished reading "Understanding Exposure" 3rd edition/revised and updated. I learned a tremendous amount from this material. I am glad it was recommended and that I bought it. Will probably have to read it or sections of it again and again. Thanks to all those who recommended books and especialy the one who recommended this one. Please forgive my memory and inability to remember exactly who did recommend it. Oh and I'll be using manuel mode more often if not all the time.

    Now I will start on the other one that came in also "The complete Guide to B & W Digital Photography" and I do so happen to remember the person that recommended this one as B & W's are his passion. I will let you know how it was when I've finished reading it Donald, Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Re: It was a Good Book!

    There are some books that are called "coffee table" books, usuallu large size picture books.

    I consider Understanding Exposure (along with several other books) as my bathroom books. I usually have one of them available to thumb through when I am visiting the "ceramic library". It is surprising the things that I notice while leafing through these books. The also pass the time quite nicely...

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