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Thread: Our pets

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
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    Ken Outch

    Our pets

    Most people are content with pooches, moggies, birds or other small creatures as pets and companions. Which we reckon borders on the mundane. These are out babies taking their leisure near the dam. They come up to the house on a regular basis for their treats of apples and pears straight from the tree,weetbix and other goodies. The 'strawberry blonde', Penelope, in the background is the leader of the pack and tends to do her own thing as you can see. No, unfortunately they are not house trained, and so not allowed indoors.
    Thanks for viewing and any comments posted

    old ucci

    Our pets

  2. #2
    mariaramil's Avatar
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    Re: Our pets

    Difficult lighting for such dark subjects.. now, it you could get them posed earlier in the day, before the sun is so strong.. .you wouldn't drive your camera meter round the bend (mind you , a passing cloud would also work)
    As it is, the dark tones seem to have been well exposed... but the grass and foreground have burnt out completely.

    Nice pets, though... What was on the left hand side of the frame that kept them so interested?

    PS: could you get much closer and fill the frame with one of them, rather than grass?

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Our pets

    Nice scene, Ken, but for me the ripples on the water seem a bit strong. Have they been sharpened?

    One trick I often use with 'seascapes' is to sharpen on a duplicate layer then apply a mask and edit it so the sharpening can be selectively applied.

  4. #4
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Our pets

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Nice scene, Ken, but for me the ripples on the water seem a bit strong. Have they been sharpened?

    One trick I often use with 'seascapes' is to sharpen on a duplicate layer then apply a mask and edit it so the sharpening can be selectively applied.
    Thank you for taking time to view and posting helpful comments. Very slight sharpening was applied but the winds coming down the re-entrant and across the dam's surface often agitates and swirls the water so.

  5. #5
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Our pets

    Hi Maria
    Thank you for most useful and helpful comments. This pic was taken late afternoon just before sunset and I guess the cattle were just warming themselves as the sun was going down.
    Unfortunately in late summer the native grasses here are that dead, depressing burned out brown and as they die off they break off at ground level and are blown away by the wind, which lets the new winter growth come through.
    And yes I can get closer. In fact we regularly give them treats such as apples, weetbix and other goodies which they will take from our hands. They are great pets and know their names. Yes, have to admit we have given them names. Which ensures they will never go to market but will live out their days here with us. They really are pets.

  6. #6
    mariaramil's Avatar
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    Re: Our pets

    Quote Originally Posted by ucci View Post
    Hi Maria
    Thank you for most useful and helpful ...In fact we regularly give them treats such as apples, weetbix and other goodies which they will take from our hands. .... They really are pets.
    Hi Ken;
    Good luck with the close ups.. Just to cover myself in case I get sued: please don't attempt to feed and photograph your pets at the same time. You only have two hands, keep them both on your camera
    ... and if you are taking pics after their treats, beware of any food remains on teeth. Not nice on portraits... even of pets

  7. #7

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    Re: Our pets

    Hi Ken

    It is nice to see someone with different pets other than dogs and cats.

    Some time ago I tried to photograph subjects like those in your picture. I got better results focusing on some object close to the cow and then re-composing the image. Otherwise everything was overexposed except the cow =(

    Good for you is that you have them at home to re-shoot as many times as you feel like.

    Good luck!


  8. #8
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Our pets

    Quote Originally Posted by acsky View Post
    Hi Ken

    Some time ago I tried to photograph subjects like those in your picture. I got better results focusing on some object close to the cow and then re-composing the image. Otherwise everything was overexposed except the cow =(

    Good for you is that you have them at home to re-shoot as many times as you feel like.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for feed back and for passing on a very useful tip. Much appreciated
    old ucci

  9. #9
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Our pets

    Thank you Maria
    Actually the thing we have to watch when hand feeding them out in the paddocks is that they crowd around you and press in to get a treat. Several times I have had to move pretty quickly to get out of a tight circle to avoid the risk of being crushed between a press of bodies. They are fairly hefty beasts and I am only a little old bloke of diminutive stature by comparison!
    And why you should need to cover yourself against being sued eludes me. It is our choice to get in close to feed them.
    old ucci

  10. #10
    mariaramil's Avatar
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    Re: Our pets

    Quote Originally Posted by ucci View Post
    Thank you Maria
    why you should need to cover yourself against being sued eludes me.
    old ucci
    I was told never instruct a customer/member of the public to do anything dangerous, as it could invalidate my public liability insurance.
    I would suggest get an 'assistant' to help with feeding... but getting crushed sounds risky enough

    Good luck with the task: It is looking more and more challenging

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