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Thread: Tinker Belle

  1. #1
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Tinker Belle

    OK so it's neither a pixie or a landscape image so there may be limited interest, but for those that like pictures of aircraft, I found this one at the Monroe Airport on Tuesday.

    The Tinker Belle is named after Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma.

    This World War II Curtiss Wright C-46 Commando has 11 camels painted beneath its name. Each camel represents a successful trip this transport plane made over "the hump" of the Himalayas after the Japanese closed the Burma Road.

    Tinker Belle

    A little background on the aircraft:

    Normal Crew of Four

    Two Pratt & Whitney R-2800-51 Engines. Twin-row 18 cylinder Air-cooled Radials. 2,000 hp for Takeoff

    10,000 lbs of Cargo or up to 50 Troops or 33 Stretchers

    Max. Speed 270 mph @ 15,000 feet, Cruise Speed 183 mph

    Climb to 10,000 ft in 17.4 minutes, Service Ceiling 27,600 ft, Length 76' 4", Height 21' 9", Wing Span 108' 1"

    Max. Weight 56,000 lbs, Empty Weight 32,400 lbs.

    Normal Range 1,200 miles, Maximum Range 3,150 miles, burns 150 gallons of fuel per hour.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle


    I know it's not intended to be a work of art (or maybe it is - sorry!), but cropping out a lot of tarmac in front and making to more into a panorama-format would, I think, enhance it.

    As for the aircraft and its details - you need to make sure our Mr Southern sees this one (I know he's busy at the moment and not online just quite so much as usual)

  3. #3
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Hope you don't mind - I sent this picture and info to my brother in the Old Country. He is very much into anything aircraft. When he was visiting me last year, He even shot about 30 pictures of a Life Flight Helicopter..... ans spent 3 days in the vicinity of the airport to take photos of landings and departures of commercial airlines.
    And on top of that - he also went to an airshow here - and another one the day after he got back home.

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    I've never been able to figure out why I can see little details that need fixing and not see the obvious! Thanks Donald. Where would I be without you!

    Tinker Belle

    Freely copy any images of mine that you would like, Kris, including any of the images posted in my signature link at SmugMug. I hope you brother likes it! I am working on another aircraft image for week 2 of Project 52 as well.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    I've never been able to figure out why I can see little details that need fixing and not see the obvious! Thanks Donald. Where would I be without you!
    I'll keep feeding you these fixes so long as you keep coming up with the brilliant ideas such as that in your first Project 52 image.

    I wrote the other day, in another thread, about the truly wonderful ideas being those that, when you see them, prompt you to say 'That's simple, why didn't I think of that'. The brilliance of it is in thinking about it in the first place. You've done that bit. The rest of us can just apply the action.

    I already have an image in mind. I can see the finished version. All I've got to do now is get to the location some time in the next few months.
    Last edited by Donald; 5th January 2012 at 06:49 PM.

  6. #6
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Wonderful photo! The landscape crop really makes the difference.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    I am glad that there are still some of these great old aircraft around. They were always given the backseat to the more numerous DC-3 (C-47 Skytrain) but, C-46 proved its worth in the airlift operation. It could carry more cargo higher than other Allied twin-engine transport aircraft in the theater, including light artillery, fuel, ammunition, parts of aircraft and, on occasion, livestock. Its powerful engines enabled it to climb satisfactorily with heavy loads, staying aloft on one engine if not overloaded.

  8. #8
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Out of all the eras the aircraft in the World War II era are my favourite. There's something about them that makes them far more elegant than today's modern aircraft. Great capture!

  9. #9
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Any suggestions on what can be done with a background that 'sucks like a straw' as in this situation? I've toned it down a little by reducing the contrast but I'm not sure if anything more can be done to improve the background. They wouldn't let me move the plane to a better location! Bummer!

  10. #10
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    Any suggestions on what can be done with a background
    'fraid not Frank. You could blur, but that would look artificial. Okay, it's not the best background in the world, but given that that is the situation in which the place is, is it so bad? I think the power that is in the image of the place can carry the less-than-ideal background.

    Would maybe think about cloning out those cones (is that what you call them?) sitting on the tarmac - 2 on the leftb of the frame and 3 (or is it 4) on the right.

  11. #11
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    It looks like we may be making some progress.

    The brightness of just the shadows in the background was reduced so that the DoF remains the same. The cones were removed with the exception of the one beside the fire extinguisher and some trash was removed. In addition, most of the noise in the shadows of the aircraft was removed. Have I gone too far?

    Tinker Belle

  12. #12
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Tinker Belle

    I couldn't resist Frank...

  13. #13
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Tinker Belle

    Your's Tinker Belle is cuter than mine. LOL!

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