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Thread: Hell's Mouth

  1. #1
    rob marshall

    Hell's Mouth

    Hell's Mouth, North Wales. Shot recently. Sunset, surf, pretty girls - what more can a landscape tog want? C&C welcome.

    Location map of scene

    Hell's Mouth

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    Hell's Mouth, North Wales. Shot recently. Sunset, surf, pretty girls - what more can a landscape tog want? C&C welcome.

    Lovely shot Rob, nice colours. But I can't see the pretty girls

    Cheers Dave

  3. #3

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    Re: Hell's Mouth


  4. #4

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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    I love the ocean and this scene just confirms why. Gorgeous colour, cresting waves. Wales must be one of the more beautiful places on Earth.

  5. #5

    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Beautiful capture!

    Horizon is down a bit on the right.

  6. #6
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Quote Originally Posted by Viana View Post
    Horizon is down a bit on the right.
    I'm not sure about that, I put a level on the Horizon with a ruler in CS5, and it's only out .2 degrees across the entire width of the photo.

    Nice shot Rob!!

  7. #7
    Harpo's Avatar
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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Agree with Dave… beautiful scene you captured… where are you hiding the pretty girls?

  8. #8

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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    I know the horizon is level, or as close as makes no significant difference. So why does the pic feel as if the horizon IS off?
    I thought it may have been lens distortion, but I checked that as well, no.
    Not that good at artistically analysing pics, but I guess there is a lot of visual weight to the top right (the clouds, the landmass, the breakers). The ripple down left adds visual weight in the opposite direction, leaving the bottom right a little lighter, accentuating the top right weight.
    All in all the pic is slightly off balance, visually, to the right.
    And I would have never even noticed until others educated me into seeing this (and hence getting me thinking - not necessarily a good idea ).
    I still like the image, relaxing.


  9. #9
    PRSearls's Avatar
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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    A lovely image. The waves coming into the beach and the dark foreground are dominate shapes in the image. These are tilted slightly in relation to the horizon and create an optical illusion. I don't find this very objectionable; this is the way the scene is. A slight rotation of the image to the left would make the horizon dead level. Perhaps a different crop might eliminate some of the dominance of the dark foreground and yield a more satisfying result.

    - Paul -

  10. #10
    rob marshall

    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    I love the ocean and this scene just confirms why. Gorgeous colour, cresting waves. Wales must be one of the more beautiful places on Earth.
    Lonely Planet would seem to agree with that sentiment. And so do I!

  11. #11
    rob marshall

    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamH View Post
    I know the horizon is level, or as close as makes no significant difference. So why does the pic feel as if the horizon IS off?
    I thought it may have been lens distortion, but I checked that as well, no.
    Not that good at artistically analysing pics, but I guess there is a lot of visual weight to the top right (the clouds, the landmass, the breakers). The ripple down left adds visual weight in the opposite direction, leaving the bottom right a little lighter, accentuating the top right weight.
    All in all the pic is slightly off balance, visually, to the right.
    And I would have never even noticed until others educated me into seeing this (and hence getting me thinking - not necessarily a good idea ).
    I still like the image, relaxing.

    It was out slightly - 0.33 of a degree. I have corrected it. It might still look out as I think the horizon line relative to the lens plane was very slightly out (a common landscape problem). Another factor that may make it appear to be out are the number of other horizontal (but non-level)lines in the foreground, which might trick the eye.

    Hell's Mouth

  12. #12
    rob marshall

    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Quote Originally Posted by Harpo View Post
    Agree with Dave… beautiful scene you captured… where are you hiding the pretty girls?
    She was sitting on the beach about 10ft from me. I think she was with one of the surfers. As surfers tend to have bigger muscles than me (but I'm working on it) I decided to concentrate on the view.

  13. #13
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    She was sitting on the beach about 10ft from me. I think she was with one of the surfers. As surfers tend to have bigger muscles than me (but I'm working on it) I decided to concentrate on the view.
    Obviously ! Well done Rob

  14. #14

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    Re: Hell's Mouth

    Great pic. Wish I could get the same. No seas here in Ontario but certainly quite a few super sunsets last couple of days - but still sick! grrrrrr

    Leveling the horizon is quite difficult for me at times where there is no physical line to align against. I might have gone for the bottom dark foreground as that is where the "logical" straight line should be in my humble opinion.

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