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Thread: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Albert Sim

    Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Hi everyone,
    I m albert from KL, Malaysia. I intend to buy a Wide-Angle Lens but reading too many reviews made me confused . Any advice from you guys, please ?

  2. #2
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    I have the Tokina 11-16 and love it.

  3. #3
    The Stig's Avatar
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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Hi Albert,

    I have the 10-24 Wide Angle Zoom from Nikkor and I'm very happy with it. There are cheaper alternatives, but I think it's a very good alternative considering that it manages to go very wide AND has a good coverage of focal lengths. You can use it as a walk-around lens if you're in a pinch, although I use the 35mm f/1.8 most of the time for that.

  4. #4

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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Thank you guys.
    By the way, there is a list of your gears listed below your message. How to do it ? I don'tknow how to list them down. I am a bit dump in computer.

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Sim View Post
    Thank you guys.
    By the way, there is a list of your gears listed below your message. How to do it ? I don'tknow how to list them down. I am a bit dump in computer.
    Hi Albert, just go to the Forum Actions at the top of this page and edit the Signature in your Profile.

    I use the Tokina 11-16 as well. It is a great value for the money.

  6. #6
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    I have the Nikkor 12-24mm Albert. A bit more solid than some of the others, but slightly less wide.
    The Tokina looks very good. Have a look at the minimal focus distance though, that might be important to you.

  7. #7

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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    So sorry FrankMi.
    I followed your instruction but still can't get the "edit signature". I checked with the Helps and can't get it either. What a dump am I !!!!

  8. #8
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Albert, click on fourum actions at the top of this page, and click edit profile on drop down menue, on the left of this page under my settings is the edit signature button, click on this, that will take you to a page with a text box, just type in there what you want to say.then click on save and your done.

    hope that helps


  9. #9

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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    It seems that UWA zooms are all pretty good except for the Tamron. I have the Tokina 12-24 f/4 for my DX camera and think it is wonderful. It is sharp, has good color fideltiy and contrast, and is built like a tank. I like that it goes up to 24mm, which is widish normal -- I have used this lens alone on some occasions, and I have a relatively low tolerance for UWA in many contexts. For me, 12mm is as wide as Ihave any interest in going. I have used it for architetural photography as well as general work.The Tokina 11-16mm just doesn't have enough zoom range to make me happy. But it is an f/2.8 lens, which many folks love. The Tokinas are often dinged for having too much susceptibility to flare, but flare is a general problem with UWAs, so you'll probably need to worry about it with any UWA you choose.

    The various Sigmas are also well-regarded by those who have used them. The 8-16mm is the widest of the UWAs, if that is to your liking, and has a reputation for being very sharp. The two 10-20mm lenses that Sigma makes each have fans. They are a tad less sharp than most of the other UWAs, but not enough to worry about.

    The various Nikon offerings are all excellent, and all pricey. The Nikon 14-24mm is the "gold standard" for FF UWAs, and is magical on a DX, too. But it is heavy and pricey. The 10-24 and 12-24 are both more expensive than the third party lenses listed, but are very capable lenses.

    In short, choose your focal length, aperture, and price point. If you need a focus motor in-lens, add that into your calculation. You really can't go wrong with any of the above lenses.

  10. #10
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Sim View Post
    So sorry FrankMi. I followed your instruction but still can't get the "edit signature". I checked with the Helps and can't get it either.
    Did Mark's clarification help with creating the signature, Albert?

  11. #11

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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Sim View Post
    So sorry FrankMi.
    I followed your instruction but still can't get the "edit signature". I checked with the Helps and can't get it either. What a dump am I !!!!
    You're not a dump. Iirc you can only set a signature once you have reached ten posts.

  12. #12
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Ultra/Normal Wide-Angle Zoom Lens for Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero View Post
    You're not a dump. Iirc you can only set a signature once you have reached ten posts.
    Hmmmmm. Didn't know that!

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