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Thread: Caribbean Assortment

  1. #1
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Bill S

    Caribbean Assortment

    OK - been a few days since I've been able to post anything, so here's a nice little assortment of underwater photos from my last trip...

    Unidentified Blenny (tiny little thing - this is 1:1 magnification and uncropped)
    Caribbean Assortment

    Yellowhead Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons)
    Caribbean Assortment

    Bearded Fireworm (Hermodice carunculata) (I just love that orange on orange)
    Caribbean Assortment

    Purple-Crowned Sea Goddess (Chromodoris or Mexichromis kempfi) (I originally thought this was mating behavior, but alas it is not)
    Caribbean Assortment

    Banded Coral Shrimp (Steopus hispidus)
    Caribbean Assortment

    Smooth Trunkfish Post-larval Juvenile (Lactophrys triqueter) (about 1" in size) (We also called them "Dice Fish")
    Caribbean Assortment

    Spotted Moray Eel (Gymnothorax moringa)
    Caribbean Assortment

    Now if only I could get back in the water and bring you more such images on a more regular basis!!!

    - Bill

  2. #2

    Re: Caribbean Assortment

    Bill, can you bring me some clams when you get back?

  3. #3
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Caribbean Assortment


    I thought I had a decent shot of a giant clam from a previous trip, but I can't locate it right now (or maybe I'm misremembering). So next trip, I'll see what I can find.

    Thanks for looking.

    - Bill

  4. #4
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Re: Caribbean Assortment

    These are all great shots. Your avatar is still my fave of your underwater. If I had to choose thought I would have to say Benny and the Shrimp are my faves.

    The focus on the first for a macro is excellent. I can't imagine composing these. Do you have your camera set to live view when you do these?

  5. #5
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Caribbean Assortment

    Nope - no live view here. I tried it in Indonesia, but I didn't like how it made me hold the camera, plus at some point, I got some red flashing thermometer icon on the screen, and that kind of freaked me out. So I just use the regular viewfinder - which between that, plus looking through a prescription strength dive mask, I sometimes have a very difficult time with composition (note that normally I would have put Mr Blenny on the left of the frame). But sometimes if I get focus, I fire off the shot and take what I can get - especially if the positioning is difficult and I'm fighting current.

    Actually, most of these shots are macro with most of them being just shy of minimum focusing distance on the 100mm macro.

    - Bill

  6. #6
    Karl's Avatar
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    Re: Caribbean Assortment

    Bill - very nice. The Caribbean must be a great place to dive maybe one day I'll get there. Only 248 days until I am back in Tulamben Bali


  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Caribbean Assortment

    Yet again - an education. Thanks Bill.

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