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Thread: Slow Pace

  1. #1

    Slow Pace

    Slow Pace

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Slow Pace


    There are two points I'd pick up on with this image, both to do with the composition:-
    1. I think for a subject like this, you need to be closer in, so that the main subject fills more of the frame. Now, of course, that is a problem when the subject is far away and we don't have a long enough telephoto lens to help us. But in such cases we maybe have to give up our plan to make the image. If we go ahead, the result is that we get an awful lot of 'extra' content around the main subject that we perhaps do not need. In this case we needed to know that the person was on a river and that it was in a jungle or semi-jungle, or heavily wooded area. But that, I think, would still have been achieved if we had seen much less water and much less of the foliage and more of the person and the boat.
    2. The second point is how we position our main subject in the frame. In this case you have the person and boat right in the centre. That is probably the least appealing place to position the main subject. This was a case in which I think the 'rule of thirds' needed to be applied. And because the person is moving from left to right, I think there should be more space 'ahead' of the boat on the right hand side of the image.

    I hope these comments are helpful.
    Last edited by Donald; 4th November 2011 at 02:08 PM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Slow Pace

    My first thoughts, Al, was that this photo has good potential, with attractive colour and light but I would crop slightly tighter to the left and bottom.

    Which I then found was roughly the same as Donald's assessment.

    Don't crop too tightly though, the scene requires a little bit of 'space'.

  4. #4

    Re: Slow Pace

    Now I have a lot of things to remember and yes I will! Sir Donald the scene was something I seldom see and it was unfortunate that the woman in the boat was so far from me like what you said...and yet I still insisted to capture it but I enjoyed the view especially the woman rowing the boat gently. Thank you.

    Geoff thank you for your suggestion, I'll take note of that.

  5. #5
    KeithH's Avatar
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    Re: Slow Pace

    A pleasant tranquil shot that just needs the the tweaks suggested by Donald to raise it to a new level. Hope we can see the edit.

  6. #6

    Re: Slow Pace

    Slow Pace

    Slow Pace

    Hi Keith, honestly, I don't know how to edit that first photo but I have some more shots before the boatwoman passed by me and after. I hope it complies with the rule of the thirdsy! I just hope...what do you think?

  7. #7
    KeithH's Avatar
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    Re: Slow Pace

    The first shot has almost got it right Al. The boat has more room to 'sail' into now but having the boat on the centreline doesn't make for the best picture though. I would suggest cropping off 50% of the river between the boat and the bottom of the frame. This shot also has more interest in the trees on the far bank so I wouldn't crop any off the right hand side, I would leave it as a wide narrow picture to echo the shape of the boat. Just my thoughts though.

  8. #8
    John C's Avatar
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    Re: Slow Pace

    I find it interesting that the woman is in the same pose in all three photos. Was that just chance or were you trying to capture her in that position?

    I agree with the others regarding the composition. I think the boat should be lower left of center with less of the glarey water that is distracting. I think more foliage than water would be better. In a situation like this, if you dont have enough focal length to make the boat the subject, then you need consider the entire environment the subject with the boat being a point of interest.

    Dont be shy about cropping - you are presenting a photo less than 1000 pixels across, so you are throwing most of them away anyway.

  9. #9

    Re: Slow Pace

    Thank you Keith and John C. As for your suggestions, I did some cropping according to your instructions and I hope I did it right this time. I apologize for the late reply.

    Slow Pace

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