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Thread: Garden Flowers

  1. #1
    JemC's Avatar
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    Garden Flowers

    Hi all
    Took these a few days ago, please feel free to C+C as i need all the help and advice, am also limited as only gear i have is Fuji finepix s1500 bridge camera, Nikon D50 with 18-50mm lens, would love to have macro lens and poss 300mm tele,
    Garden Flowers
    Garden Flowers
    Garden Flowers
    Garden Flowers

  2. #2
    epmi314's Avatar
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    Re: Garden Flowers


    Overall, I think they are pretty well done. Here is my 2 cents...

    The first looks like the focus was a tick off and the petals on the top are crisp but those on the bottom were a little soft for being directly above the flower. There is also a second flower (or third) in the top of the frame. I would either try to find an angle to incorporate them or not.

    I think you nailed the focus on 2-4 nicely. 3 and 4 have something large and white in the background that is a little distracting. The second shot is my favorite, I think the exposure and focus are well done.

    A couple of other bits of advice I was given when I first got started here. Put some space above and below if posting multiple shots as it makes it a little easier to tell where one ends and another begins. Also I have found posting one or two photos if you are looking for c&c works best. To many photos makes it hard to comment on all of them.

    In any case, I think you did nicely. Keep shooting!

  3. #3

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    Re: Garden Flowers

    Very nice shots. I like #4 best.

  4. #4
    Markvetnz's Avatar
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    Re: Garden Flowers

    Good shots in general. Biggest mistake made with these types of shots is too little dof. The closer you get the more DOF you need. backgrounds could be tidied up a bit. I like the colours. Focus on the bees is great. I know how hard it is it get a decent bee photo.

  5. #5
    JemC's Avatar
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    Re: Garden Flowers

    Thanks for the comments, appreciate it,

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