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Thread: Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Gloucester UK
    Real Name
    John Wright

    Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    Poldhu Cove is near Lizard Point, Cornwall .I took these last October.The last photo is long exposure the first two, not so long . Posted in relation to my exchange with Colin (S) just now for CC.

    These were taken at the same time and the last one is to the left of the first two- the 'hotel' is infact an residential home (£1200 a week,I'm told)

    Ref. the 50 ISO-I've read recently that ISO down to this value is detrimental in some way to a photo,I've also read that it isn't.. Ugh.

    f22 1/8 sec. 50 ISO..
    Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    f22 2 seconds ISO 50
    Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    f22 25 secs. ISO 50.
    Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
    the 'hotel' is in fact an residential home (£1200 a week, I'm told)
    and when your money runs out, there's a one way trip to the seasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
    Poldhu Cove Long Exposure
    Regarding the pictures, the first two are not quite level, close, but not quite.

    All three might stand better final sharpening and Local Contrast Enhancement.

    If you're talking to Colin, this will be sub his standard;
    Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    Click image to see both in Lytebox and switch between them.
    I see, upon posting, I have slightly overcooked the rotation - this was 0.8 degrees, try 0.6.


  3. #3

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    Re: Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    Cheers Dave. Dear me - yes, not a straight horizon in either. I looked at LCE in the tutorials here(unsharp mask) and concluded,probably incorrectly, that it was another term for sharpening - I just use 'Clarity' in LR3. Oh, they're certainly below Colin's standard- it was the long exposure and my 10-stop ND I mentioned in my reply in his latest post.So LCE isn't just unsharp mask sharpening then ?

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
    Cheers Dave. Dear me - yes, not a straight horizon in either. I looked at LCE in the tutorials here(unsharp mask) and concluded,probably incorrectly, that it was another term for sharpening - I just use 'Clarity' in LR3. Oh, they're certainly below Colin's standard- it was the long exposure and my 10-stop ND I mentioned in my reply in his latest post.So LCE isn't just unsharp mask sharpening then ?
    Hi John,

    Clarity does work (we're told) in a similar way, but I find that you have far more control using USM to apply the effect, because you can vary both amount and radius. Many of the spitfire pictures I posted recently used both methods to achieve the final result.

    I would suggest that once the radius goes above 10 pixels, it isn't sharpening as we normally know it because it doesn't look like that. When applying LCE, the radius can be anything from 40 to 250 pixels and the amount usually between 10% and 30%.

    Sharpening with USM is typically between 0.2 and 4 pixels at amount between 300% and 50%.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    John Wright

    Re: Poldhu Cove Long Exposure

    Thanks Dave-I'll give the LCE a go. I only posted them so that Colin could maybe give some advice on improving long exposure but all I have in the really long exposure one, the last one at 25 seconds - is just sea so not a very good example to be asking him about really in relation to the ones he posted -the ones he took on the way home. I'll have to get to the coast- a proper coast in north Devon.

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