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Thread: Birds & Reflections

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Pittsburgh PA, St. Augustine FL

    Birds & Reflections

    Birds & Reflections

  2. #2
    xeliex's Avatar
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    Re: Birds & Reflections

    Very nice photo!

    Interesting frame, however I would use something else with that photo. It might be a personal taste, but I don't like it when the frame blends in with the photo as such.

    edit: Another thing, is that I would've tried to place the intersection of the water and the sand as well as all the seagulls either a bit higher or a bit lower in the frame.

    Other than that, great job.
    Last edited by xeliex; 19th May 2008 at 12:07 AM. Reason: elaboration

  3. #3

    Re: Birds & Reflections

    every image in this pic is parallel to each other,starting from the foreground to the background.....if it was not for the borderless border effect. driving my eyes ruthlessly back into the pic my eyes wud have popped out off the pic frame or out of my sockets wonderful color tones of the pic,complimenting each other is fascinating. the birds, the waves,the lovely white sand, are a pleasure to watch.

  4. #4
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Birds & Reflections

    Regrettably whilst a lot of time has been spent on creating the vignetted style frame this pic just doesn't work for me.

    Lots of distractions and it would have been better for me if it used the rule of thirds to greater effect.

    Where or what is the subject? The birds seem too general and I find the out of focus grass distracting.


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