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Thread: Hey there little birdie.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2011
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    Hey there little birdie.


    I went for a walk by the sea the other day and I thought I'd try to bird some. I had an awesome time, but I have yet to get the hang of the erratic movements of the birds to get good shots. The light was poor, and I had to use slow shutters to compensate thus making pretty much all of my shots a blur.

    I got a sharp one here though. The bird wouldn't pose for me properly, but that's how it goes I guess.

    It's an oystercatcher by the way, or a tjeld as we say in Norway.

    Hey there little birdie.

    Aperture: f/4,8
    Exposure time: 1/40 sec
    Focal length: 155 mm
    ISO: 800

    C&C welcome!

  2. #2
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
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    Re: Hey there little birdie.

    Birds are not easy and you do need a fast shutter. Well done with this shot, capturing the bird in its natural habitat.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Gloucester UK
    Real Name
    John Wright

    Re: Hey there little birdie.

    You obviously have the same light problems as we do here - worse I'd imagine a being that farther north I saw a lot of these birds on a trip to Scotland and with birds/animals you really do need good light to get that shutter speed up but this is a good shot anyway, maybe if you'd spoken to it nicely it might have obliged with a good pose

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