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Thread: Moody blue

  1. #1
    pointblank's Avatar
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    Andy Bray

    Moody blue

    Moody blue
    moody blue by andybray00, on Flickr

    I took this with the white balance set to tungston, i know it's very dark and small on here, but i like it. Please feel free to rip into me

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Moody blue


    I think we'll need to get it a bit bigger before anyone can make any constructive comments. I see you that its available on Flickr is 800px on the long edge. If you loaded that one on here then it would size down to 700px and that would allow us to see it properly.

  3. #3
    pointblank's Avatar
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    Andy Bray

    Re: Moody blue

    whoops wrong setting
    Moody blue
    moody blue by andybray00, on Flickr

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Moody blue

    That photo appears to have softened up a bit during the transfer, which does sometimes happen.

    I keep wondering if it is the sun or moon which is shining. Certainly an interesting photo.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Moody blue

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    That photo appears to have softened up a bit during the transfer, which does sometimes happen.
    The photo is hosted elsewhere and at 800px on long edge.
    By default, when displayed inline here at CiC it will get displayed at 700px on long edge, which will make it softer, but if you click it and view in the Lytebox, it restores the original size and so it should become sharp.

    However, there are a couple of things that can actually mess that up;
    a) Browser zoomed (Use Ctrl+0 to reset to 100%)
    b) Viewing in too small a browser window (use F11 to 'full screen' the browser)

    "b)" is especially a problem for portrait oriented shots, when it may be better to:
    c) right click the image and view in a separate tab or window, then click it again if the mouse appears to be a magnifying glass (is that 'looking glass' in US vernacular?)

    So if you want to check image for sharpness, do make sure you have done a) plus b) or c).

    All that said (and done), I think it is soft (and noisy) unfortunately.
    Maybe it didn't get sharpened after downsizing to 800px and/or maybe it is a significant crop from a larger image.

    Maybe Geoff, you were being tactful for Andy, and I just blew it

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 13th April 2011 at 10:14 PM.

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