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Thread: Seagull

  1. #1
    Skitalez's Avatar
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    I'm not sure, that it is a photo really good. Probably colors, probably contrast... Or something another. How of you???


  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seagull

    Hi Yegor,

    I think regardless of techinical merit of things like colour and contrast, you need to ask if the subject and composition works;
    a) what is the subject?
    b) does what ever else is in shot add to the image?
    c) does it do this in a sympathetic way?
    d) do any PP additions improve the image?

    Yes, the colour and cotrast look OK and the frame suits it.
    a) Seagull (as it is sharp)
    b) yes, it provides context
    c) arguably not, as the wing is overlapping the dark mast and furled sail, would have been better if only over the rigging
    d) yes and no (yes as above and perhaps no because wing touches frame

    Technically, there is also some chromatic abberation which could be reduced in PP, by something as simple as a wipe of the desaturation bruch down the edges.

    I wasn't sure about the basic composition, but as I can't think of a way to improve it (e.g. any better with bird higher or lower in frame in relation to yacht) it must be OK

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3
    Skitalez's Avatar
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    Re: Seagull

    The image, in my opinion, not complit, but... I have found an old objective for my cam in which the diaphragm for some reason does not change! Literally I change parameters, I put, for example, f-16, and shoots with value 4.5 or 4 (((((
    Therefore I had in view of technical "blanks" in a photo. Possibly, this objective is impossible to use. It, probably, from older model

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