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Thread: My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

  1. #1

    My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    To me this is a great photograph. Technically it's pretty rubbish: it was screen dumped off a video of the Whai Ora, Spirited Women multi-sport event, held in Taupo NZ in May this year. What makes it a great image is what it portrays.

    My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    This is a picture (on the right) of my partner, Hilary, after competing for 10h38m in the event that covered road and mountain bike cycling, paddle boarding, canoeing, running, wall climbing and skeet shooting. What makes it so special is that she did this recovering from breast cancer, the treatment for which included invasive surgery, chemo and radiation therapy, and a long haul back involving massage and physio therapy, nutritional coaching and a huge determination to live life as never before. I am immensely proud of her.

    Sadly I was not the one taking the photos. While she was doing the hard yards in NZ, I was in Canada preparing and selling our property over there, so I missed out on her huge achievement. The good news is we are together in NZ now and I will be there to support her from now on as she continues her operations and therapies.

    If you are interested in seeing the original video it is located at this address:

    It started at 5:00am, with a great honour: a traditional Maori challenge. The Maori warrior approaches the leader of the event and displays his traditional fighting skills with a Pouwhenua (pointed fighting staff). The leader has to stand his ground without flinching, then the warrior lays down a token of peace, which the leader picks up without breaking eye contact with the warrior. The sound of a conch shell is the cue to start the race. Teams were made up of 4 women, few of whom would be considered elite athletes, and many competing for a charity such as the cancer foundation.

    I have seen discussion on this forum about what a photo needs to have to be a good image. As has been remarked upon, sometimes a picture can be less than technically acceptable, yet what it expresses or records can be so significant that in the end that is what carries the day.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 30th November 2017 at 05:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    I have seen discussion on this forum about what a photo needs to have to be a good image. As has been remarked upon, sometimes a picture can be less than technically acceptable, yet what it expresses or records can be so significant that in the end that is what carries the day.
    I think that is true in so many cases - far more than we acknowledge.

    The sheer emotion and sense of fun in that picture, given the background that you have described, makes it a great picture. For you, it must be that feeling 100 times over.
    Last edited by Donald; 29th November 2017 at 09:25 PM.

  3. #3

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    Re: My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    That is a great picture on many levels.
    Cheers Ole

  4. #4
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    That looks like a really fun event, though I would have to be in a lot better shape than I am now to go 10+ hours. Kudos to Hilary and best wishes for her future treatment. I know something of what she is going through, that determination to live as never before, and the exhilaration of meeting new goals.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    I have only one remark... WONDERFUL!!!!!!

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    Re: My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    Wow, there’s happiness! It’s wonderful. I wish you both the very best.

  7. #7
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: My Favourite shot of 2017 - & I didn't take it

    Very nice Trev. I think technically perfect isn't the only thing that makes a photograph. Gotta have those other elements too, and this one is fantastic. Congratulations for your beautiful lady. Thank you for sharing.

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