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Thread: Printing Tutorials

  1. #1
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Printing Tutorials

    I've noticed with all the YouTube videos on photography there aren't many on printing unless its by the printer manufacturer.

  2. #2
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Printing Tutorials

    If you are printing via Lightroom this is a very useful tutorial.
    A more generalised video by the same author here ..

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Printing Tutorials

    Quote Originally Posted by Clactonian View Post
    If you are printing via Lightroom this is a very useful tutorial.
    A more generalised video by the same author here ..

    Thanks for the additional links.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Printing Tutorials

    Thanks for posting John. The first two videos are okay, but there are a couple of really significant issues that are missed / glossed over. The underlying assumption that the user has a sRGB or AdobeRGB compliant screen is inferred but really should have been stated more clearly. Unless the screen is compliant, profiling / calibrating the screen is not particularly useful as the colours will not be rendered accurately. He also sets his screen to 120 cd / sq meter without explaining why. He does not cover off any of the impacts of ambient light on the editing environment.

    The third one is quite long, but is by the well known photographer Vincent Versace; it is excellent. He definitely goes into some details that an experienced printer will find useful. He has obviously had conversations with Adobe and Epson and has some information, that he shares, that is not readily available to most of us.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Printing Tutorials

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Thanks for posting John. The first two videos are okay, but there are a couple of really significant issues that are missed / glossed over. The underlying assumption that the user has a sRGB or AdobeRGB compliant screen is inferred but really should have been stated more clearly. Unless the screen is compliant, profiling / calibrating the screen is not particularly useful as the colours will not be rendered accurately. He also sets his screen to 120 cd / sq meter without explaining why. He does not cover off any of the impacts of ambient light on the editing environment.

    The third one is quite long, but is by the well known photographer Vincent Versace; it is excellent. He definitely goes into some details that an experienced printer will find useful. He has obviously had conversations with Adobe and Epson and has some information, that he shares, that is not readily available to most of us.
    Hi Manfred,

    Thanks, some interesting commentary on the Versace video, I found one comment of interest was the workflow for noise reduction; I gave it a try and for the most part his comments regarding the order was true, there is one exception to the rule that I think is of importance; I think the level of noise and the final output might make a difference whether you sharpen for RAW first or reduce noise. Also, output size if printing, converting to color or black and white, also may have a direct impact on workflow. Additionally, control of the initial capture (tripod mounted camera or handheld) may make a difference on final output.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Printing Tutorials

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    I found one comment of interest was the workflow for noise reduction; I gave it a try and for the most part his comments regarding the order was true
    I am definitely going to have a look at his premise. It definitely goes against mainstream advice, but again, he is definitely addressing only printed output, whereas most of my work does not end up in print, so I wonder if this is the underlying reason for the difference in advice.

    I also found that his advice to do the bare minimum in ACR / Lightroom and do the operations in Photoshop make sense too. Trying to do too much in a single operation, effectively on a single layer does seem to introduce additional artifacts. I had discovered this years ago and was quite surprised at how similar my workflow is to his.

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