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Thread: DSLR camera for beginners

  1. #1
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    DSLR camera for beginners

    I'm an avid photographer and have been using Canon A 590 IS .I've never laid hands on a DSLR before but I feel its time for me to upgrade ..
    I've been looking at the CAnon rebel series as well Nikon D60 , D3000 ,D90 ..I really would like to go for the D90 ..but would it be ok for a beginner like me ??..I'd like to have a good deal if possible within a 1000 Dollars !!
    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    benm's Avatar
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    A D90 would be a good choice. You should go to a camera store and hold both Nikons and Canons to see which feel better and which are more comfortable with respect to layout of the controls. Since a D90 sells for about $870 (in the USA) there is very little left from your $1,000 budget for a decent lens.

    Supposedly, new models from both Nikon and Canon will be announced next month, or at least by the end of the year. If you are one of those that needs the very latest model you might want to wait.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Quote Originally Posted by shobana29272 View Post
    I'm an avid photographer and have been using Canon A 590 IS .I've never laid hands on a DSLR before but I feel its time for me to upgrade ..
    I've been looking at the CAnon rebel series as well Nikon D60 , D3000 ,D90 ..I really would like to go for the D90 ..but would it be ok for a beginner like me ??..I'd like to have a good deal if possible within a 1000 Dollars !!
    thanks in advance

    Hi Sobana,

    If you're willing too put a little effort into learning how to use it, the D90 is the best choice of the bunch, without a doubt. Probably the D3000 is the most newbie friendly, followed by the D5000, but once you know the basics, you really don't need all that stuff after a couple of weeks or so. The D90 offers a wider choice of AF compatible lenses than the other 3 Nikon's. I'm sure a Canon fan will be along to put the word in for the Rebel series, or better, soon

    Better advice, for example on lens options, will be available when you tell us what you want to shoot with it

    Oooh, pardon my manners; welcome to the CiC forums from ...

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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I'm sure a Canon fan will be along to put the word in for the Rebel series, or better, soon
    Of course we need to counter the biased views expressed above by this Nikon-phile!!

    Actually, no we don't. What's important is what 'feels' right for you. But what you've got to see/imagine is the future. Where are you going to be in a year from now and what is it you'll be wanting to achieve?

    You say you're an avid photographer. The 'hunger' is obviously there to upgrade. The question to ask is, if that hunger continues and you see the learning curve ahead as an exciting challenge to take on and not an obstacle, then stretch yourself now. Don't compromise and get something that, in 6 months time will feel like you've outgrown it and you want to stretch yourself further.

    If you can afford it, and it feels to me as if that is indeed what you really want - go for it. If you have the determination you'll master the D90 and be glad you got it.

  5. #5
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Thank you ..Ben , Dave and Donald.. I am inclined towards the D90 but I think I can wait for a month or two..if there are new models to be announced ..and then decide !

  6. #6

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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Hi Shobana,

    Welcome to the forum.
    Well today only Nikon introduced its new camera, an advanced version of D3000- a D3100. Its a 14.1 MP camera, with live view, video recording etc.
    I am using D3000 & now I wish I had bought D90. No, I am not saying that D3000 is bad. Its really a good camera. But the only thing I find lacking in it is an auto-focus motor. I have two lenses which would not focus automatically.
    Otherwise, I am happy with my entry level Camera.

  7. #7

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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    "Supposedly, new models from both Nikon and Canon will be announced next month, or at least by the end of the year."...and the price of the D90 should come down...I hope

  8. #8
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
    Hi Shobana,

    Welcome to the forum.
    Well today only Nikon introduced its new camera, an advanced version of D3000- a D3100. Its a 14.1 MP camera, with live view, video recording etc.
    I am using D3000 & now I wish I had bought D90. No, I am not saying that D3000 is bad. Its really a good camera. But the only thing I find lacking in it is an auto-focus motor. I have two lenses which would not focus automatically.
    Otherwise, I am happy with my entry level Camera.
    I shoot digital with the D40. When I recently bought a backup camera, I chose the D70 for the very reason Sahil mentions above. It will use the D40 lens and will also handle those from the N70 and N80 bags.


  9. #9
    benm's Avatar
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    >> and the price of the D90 should come down...I hope

    Well I wouldn't hold my breath. The Nikon D40 and D80 models seem to be currently selling for the same price as 4 years ago. Well at least the good news is that Nikons seem to hold their value.

  10. #10

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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Well price of Nikon D3000 came down by INR 4000 i.e. approx USD 80, in a matter of 5 months.

  11. #11

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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    For anyone thinking of D90, I would wonder why; what's the reason for just that camera?

    It is an extremely good camera, and provided you get the right lenses for it, there are few cameras in the market that will match or beat it for image quality. For handling; well it's personal in many ways. It does not matter which camera one chooses, they all have warts.

    But comparing D3000 and D5000, I feel that there are a few issues, and that the D3000 will not reach up to the level of D5000 or D90. It's about image quality. The D5000 and D90 have a chip that is superior, and which make them comparable with for example the Canon 7D (even superior in a few ways). Not the same megapixel count, but beating the Canon on dynamic range. The chip can also be had with another camera, which has an advantage over the Nikons, the Pentax K-x. It's an entry level camera, but it sports built in stabilizer for any lens, and it has the same chip as the Nikon D5000.

    Of course they are different in handling, as well as in a few other ways, but if image quality is the most important factor, the Pentax gives more bang for the buck. I would consider it if I were to think of a camera like the D90 or D5000. I can understand that there are also other reasons why one may choose one camera before the other; ergonomics is one important factor, and ergonomics is the one that may vary with the user, because we don't all have neither the same hands, nor the same mind.

    But I put it here as a suggestion. The K-x will match the D90 for image quality with the bonus of stabilisation with any lens, also any old lens you might fancy to put on it. If other factors also are favourable, it merits being taken into account.

  12. #12

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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    For some sample pics taken using Pentax K10D, Check this link. This is one of my contacts from a pet forum. He is the person who inspired me into photography.

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Hi Inkanyezi,

    Ummm, let me guess which camera you have, or may be about to buy ... a Pentax K-x?

    I knew the sensor in the D90 was same as D5000, I didn't know it was also used in Pentax K-x though.

    The chip is one reason why I bought a D5000; got the good chip and the tilty screen (I wanted), for a bit less money than a D90.

    The reason why many, including myself, would recommend a D90 over D3000/D5000 is because the latter lack the focus motor in the body, which in Nikon range, limits lens choice - although there are 3 new AF-S lenses just coming out. However, my recommendation is for someone that thinks they will seriously get into photography and may even be considering a career, because the D90 also has more accessories and arguably slightly better ergonimics than the D5000. Althought the D5000, or even D3000 are not bad cameras and for less demanding needs are perfectly adequate.

    Why wouldn't I recommend a Pentax K-x? Fear of the unknown probably and a suspicion that (new) lens choice might be limited and/or expensive, but then I am finding that with Nikon for AF-S glass

    There is no doubting your valid reasoning regarding some of the K-x advantages like chip (not lens) stabilisation. Factually, I wouldn't know about lens compatibility or availability of new ones - I haven't done any research.

    Your're right that ergonomics are largely a personal preference matter, so there's no substitute for trying both/all to see how one gets on with them.


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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Ummm, let me guess which camera you have, or may be about to buy ... a Pentax K-x?
    As a matter of fact, no. But I think that for anyone considering either the D90 or D5000, the Pentax is a good competitor that merits a closer look.

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Quote Originally Posted by Inkanyezi View Post
    I think that for anyone considering either the D90 or D5000, the Pentax is a good competitor that merits a closer look.

  16. #16

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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Shobana, the Canon 50D is a better spec'ed camera than the D90 (except video) and can be had for under $1K new right now. IMHO, its a current best buy. Just a thought...

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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Hi Shobana,

    You might find some of the posts here might help with some background thoughts.

  18. #18

    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    I too am looking into my first DSLR. The Pentex K-X seam very appealing. Having the anti-shake in the body makes the lens less money. I'd like to hear from any one who has or has used the Pentex.


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    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    Quote Originally Posted by mercdog View Post
    I too am looking into my first DSLR. The Pentex K-X seam very appealing. Having the anti-shake in the body makes the lens less money. I'd like to hear from any one who has or has used the Pentex.

    Hi Mercdog,

    Just something to keep in mind ...

    If photography is something that becomes a lifetime passion then you'll end up getting locked into a particular brand making it difficult to switch (you may have a considerable investment in lenses, flashes etc) - so if you think that might be the case, you might be better off with one of the 2 mainstream brands due to their larger selection of lenses and accessories.

    The other thing to keep in mind that in-camera image stabilisation is - almost by definition - a compromise. Image Stabilisation isn't a "one size fits all" in that the requirements of a Canon IS unit countering, say, mirror slap on a 600mm lens is likely to be quite different to what's required on, say, a 18-135mm lens; when the IS is built into the lens these different requirements can be taken into account, but when it's built into the camera, they can't (or perhaps more correctly, "aren't").

  20. #20

    Re: DSLR camera for beginners

    good points Colin. That explains why people stay with Cannon and Nikon. I will look into the lens options more. Thanks!

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