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Thread: Unusual request

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Victoria - Australia
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    Unusual request

    Hi everyone,

    I have not actually posted any images for awhile due to an injury but was wondering if there is anyone that would be happy to post me an image of a hummingbird that I could use to try and paint.

    Due to my injury I have not been able to get out and use the camera for quite some time and have not long been involved in learning to paint. I know there is someone on here, but don't remember his name that posts the most beautiful pictures of hummingbirds with beautiful bokeh backgrounds etc.

    Image will only be used to draw from so I can then go on and paint, but I need a good clear photo to start with.

    Thanks a million if anyone can help.


  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Unusual request

    Hi Debbie,

    Sorry to hear you're unable to get out at the moment, hopefully that will improve.

    We don't have them where I live, so I can't help with shots of my own, but in the meantime I did a search on "hummingbird" here at CiC and found the following:

    Hummers... by Bobo, which has some unusual poses.

    Hummers (image heavy) by Barbara Ponder, which may well have one you can use.

    Tom Barry has a couple in this thread; Male ruby-throated hummer

    Martin (Wandjina) has one here; Hummingbird

    Hummingbird images for C&C please... contains several from Izzie.

    There are a couple from Terry (Loose Canon) here.

    Another from Barbara; Humming for Agave

    One from Jim (Ziggy); My Humble Hummer

    Couple more here: Hummingbird #11 from Steve and Paul. Plus another from Steve S here: Humming bird

    James has been compositing here: Ruby Throat & Rose

    A couple from Roger here: Wood Duck and two humming birds

    One from Rollin here: Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird

    and finally, 3 from TerriB here: Would like help with hummingbird shots

    You could try a Google 'image' search for more.

    Cheers, Dave

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Victoria - Australia
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    Re: Unusual request

    Thanks Dave, will have at look at all you have given here. Much appreciated.

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