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Thread: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    Hello all, I'm looking for some general pointers & advice here

    I'm a Linux user which means that some of the common pp software is not available to me. So far I've managed quite nicely with a mix of irfan view for quickly levelling the horizon or adding contrast and GIMP for anything beyond that.

    I've played around with various other options, Darktable is one which is aimed at Linux users and works well with my Nikon but not my Fujifilm which uses a RAW format it can't handle.

    There are apps for converting RAW to another format so that it can be opened by another program. However, I assume that in doing so I'd be losing some or all of the benefits of RAW?

    I've recently started playing with Corel AfterShot which I think is available on all platforms in its present form. Is there anyone here who uses it and can give me some opinions as to what it does well and what it doesn't?

    And for any other Linux users out there, any comments you have re Linux compatible software which works for you would be most welcome.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

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    Re: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    Quote Originally Posted by rachel View Post
    Hello all, I'm looking for some general pointers & advice here

    There are apps for converting RAW to another format so that it can be opened by another program. However, I assume that in doing so I'd be losing some or all of the benefits of RAW?
    A RAW file is essential a registration of what the sensor "sees" in a special format. It's not an raster-image jet. In the proces of converting that RAW-file to a raster-image some editing MUST be done, either by the in-camera or the out-camera converter. The used parameters will be different for any converter.
    When writing the file to disk, another proces will be used, compression. This can be done with several adjustable parameters too.

    Rawtherapee is also available for Linux I believe. That's a converter. Have a look if your Fuyifilm is supported.


  3. #3

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    Re: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    Thanks George, that answers my first question.

    Rawtherapee, now I know I've had it and used it and can't remember the outcome, but I don't have it now which makes me think I must have uninstalled it because it wasn't helping. I might have another look.

  4. #4
    Mito's Avatar
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    Re: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    I use Darktable and have no problems importing raw files from my Fujifilm HS20 nor my Pentax. You could use ufraw or rawstudio to convert your files before using Darktable. IMHO Darktable stands head and shoulders above anything else.

  5. #5

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    Re: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    Thank you, I'll persist with it!

  6. #6
    FeatherMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    Another darktable user tbh I don't even get to Gimp. Find it does all I need, plus more bit depth. Installed rawtherapee but sees no use. Only real problem I've encountered is dealing with clipping colours/cast takes some getting used to playing with the channel mixer.

  7. #7

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    Re: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    Unfortunately darktable doesn't open my fujifilm RAF images. I have the HS55 (and the HS30 - long story - which it does open) but I am optimistic that it will come in time.

    Meanwhile Rawtherapee opens my files but with a very strange colour, they are almost monochrome but not B&W, some appear blue and white, some sepia.

    having given up on Corel, I've just discovered Photivo, which has opened my files perfectly - hooray! So, since it's monsooning down outside today, I will spend a few hours going through various tutorials to see what I can do with it. It seems to come highly rated but is described as less intuitive than the others and aimed and those with more experience. So I guess it'll be a steep learning curve.

    Thanks again for all the comments. Sometimes I feel that with Fujifilm and Linux I'm at a double disadvantage but maybe that's not true after all....
    Last edited by rachel; 12th September 2015 at 07:34 AM.

  8. #8

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    Re: PP in Linux, RAW files, thoughts on Corel AfterShot

    There seems to be a development branch of darktable that is capable of handling more of the Fuji RAF files:

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