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Thread: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Okay, you know how I've been gushing about my new 5DS and the 11-24 f4 L lens I bought with it.

    Well, this morning I dropped them ... onto a concrete pathway. The lens went one way (well, the main part that wasn't left attached to the body) and the body the other.

    I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to get angry. I've told myself that I'm minimising all stressful things in my life. Managed to get the guys in A J Johnstone on the phone and they agreed to me taking the kit through to them in Glasgow on Monday morning. I'll phone the insurance company en route.

    I thought I had secured the quick release plate into its housing the tripod. Let go, only to watch it crash onto the paved walkway.

    They're only a month old. Tonight I shall have several large glasses of wine.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    I feel for you, have not had that happen to me yet. There is a bright side, (ya what?), you do not have to worry about what if I drop them in the future and you get to have several large glasses of wine. Just wondering what make of quick release do you use?


  3. #3
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Oh my! Surely your heart had to have drop to your toes when you saw the wreckage! I am so sorry for you. I worry about my equipment that's only a fraction of the cost of yours and fear disaster. I don't think I could cope with your situation! Here's hoping you can get it resolved fairly quickly. Hope your wine cabinet is well stocked!

  4. #4
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    I always dread doing that, I always keep the strap around my neck until now. It is not really consolation, but I had a brand new car run over by a 40 ton tipper truck that didn't stop, it's the same thing moneywise.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Just wondering what make of quick release do you use?
    It's Manfrotto kit I use, Allan. But it wasn't failure on the part of the kit. It was my stupidity. I wasn't concentrating.

  6. #6

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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Donald I use to use Manfrotto, however I did find that I really needed to concentrate when attaching it to the tripod, that said I have carried it attached to the tripod, thrown over my shoulder and never thought twice about it once it was secured.

    Cheers: Allan

  7. #7

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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    So sorry to learn of this but especially glad you didn't have a heart attack. Enjoy the whine, umm, wine!

  8. #8
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Oh dear Donald, I doubt this will make you feel any better after your trauma but...when I had only had my 5D3 for a matter of weeks I was in the Peak District for some early morning photography. My friend had just made a hot drink for us and when I turned round to take the cup from him his face changed colour he only had time to say Peter and point toward my tripod as it was going from vertical to horizontal on to some rather rocky terrain. The Lee filter and holder acted as a shock absorber and in doing so saved the lens from damage. The body had a slight graze the NDgrad was beyond first aid. Having gone through that experience I can understand how you are feeling, I shall have a glass of wine to support you

  9. #9
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Tough deal, hopefully you still have a backup to work with.

  10. #10
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Tough deal, hopefully you still have a backup to work with.
    Yep, I have the 7DMkII body.

    But I really wanted the 5DS for the holiday/vacation I'm taking up to the north-west corner of the country in 3 weeks time. I'll need to see what the repairer and insurer are saying and take it from there.

  11. #11

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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    So easy done with quick release plates, Donald.

    I was almost in a similar position today. Carrying my Manfrotto with the legs in the first extension stage and hanging down while I held the camera by the release plate.

    The release lever bumped against my hips a few times while I was walking over uneven ground and that was similar enough to a deliberate release action for the locking plate to come free.

    Fortunately I was lucky enough to catch hold of my camera and let the tripod fall.

  12. #12

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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Ouch! Something I constantly live in fear of. Good luck on Monday.

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Ouch Donald, ouch!

    I also feel for you, but agree with your attitude - what's done is done, all you can do (productively) is adapt and move forwards, just as you are.

    I hope you get something sorted for the trip (even more) up north and the insurance covers it.

    Sounds like a new (replacement) lens will be required, I don't think they're supposed to be 'detachable' like that, perhaps the camera will be repairable, but if so, lets hope that doesn't rely on parts coming from Japan in a sea container. (but I guess you could hire)

    I had occasion to use Canon's repair centre in Elstree recently (for a P&S) and they turned it round in about a week (plus transit), so fingers crossed for you. They also kept me well informed by e-mail and SMS.

    Regards, Dave

  14. #14

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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    A couple of years ago, I was at a well-known birding location in Sweden, in early spring. I had turned my back to the tripod, to grab a quick cup of coffee, when I heard it crash to the ground. Apparently it had started sliding on the icy ground, hit an obstacle and overturned. My Sigma 150-500 lens escaped unharmed, but my Nikon D5000 body was beyond repair. The lens mount had broken off the rest of the camera body and was pushed several mm towards the mirror.

  15. #15
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Donald - I certainly feel your loss. I've dropped my camera and various lenses a few times in the past. Fortunately money will fix all of these issues.

    I prefer these types of issues to the ones that cannot be overcome as easily.

  16. #16
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Ouch! Sorry to hear the news. My tripod blew over in a gust of wind a few years ago, but I was lucky--a relatively inexpensive lens repair, and all was well. Your attitude is admirable. I wasn't quite so calm or rational when it happened to me.

    I'm confident that even if you have to travel with the 7DII, you'll have great images to share.

  17. #17
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    I hope by now you'll have had several of those glasses.

    But it's not stupidity, it's a heart rending lapse of concentration. We all do it, but mostly we get away with it.

    So sorry,


  18. #18
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    I hope by now you'll have had several of those glasses.
    I has had sefheral of them glashes and the wurld sheems a mush niser place! Hic!!

    Thanks, Dave. Stupidity. Lack of concentration. Oh well. The deed is done. Just got to hope that the Premium Bonds (For non UK members:- "A lottery bond issued by the United Kingdom government's National Savings and Investments agency. The bonds are entered in a regular prize draw and the government promises to buy them back, on request, for their original price") come up next month.

  19. #19
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Donald, I really am sorry this happened. Accidents happen, and they make fools of us all. You are a better man than me though, I would be raging pointlessly!

    However as Dave says, several glasses would definitely be appropriate. I'm reminded of Proverbs 31:6 "Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress".

  20. #20
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Time to confess to an act of gross stupidity

    Sorry to hear of your accident Donald.

    Some time ago I spotted a photographer with his camera hanging from a 'wire' about a foot below his tripod head and left there while he went back to his car nearby, and returned with another lens. I then wondered if this was a 'security' addition or a method that made it easier to change lenses?

    Something I had not seen before but made me think.

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