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Thread: Your Camera please....

  1. #1
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Your Camera please....

    I am interested to know which are the equipment my fellow-graphers are using.....

    Mine is Canon EOS 70D For the time being i am having zigma 18-250 lens to support. I am also having Canon SX 50X superzoom to assist; some other cheaper lenses too... Hope you will talk about your too (you may please add the images of your equipments too )

  2. #2

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    Re: Your Camera please....

    My primary camera is also a Canon 70D. I have a few lenses, but usually attached to my camera is the Canon EF 70-200 f2.8. I love this lens. It offers the range and speed I need to chase my kids around through all sorts of conditions.

  3. #3
    Venser's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Olympus EM-1 & EM-5
    12-40 f/2.8
    40-150 f/2.8
    12 f/2.0
    17 f/1.8
    25 f/1.8
    45 f/1.8
    60 f/2.8
    75 f/1.8

    One the street, it's either the 12 f/2.0 or 17 f/1.8 since I love getting close to my subjects. In the studio it's normally the 75 f/1.8.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    I use on a rotation basis as need arises and the convenience of picking up quick when the occasion calls for it...
    a Nikon D90, D300s and my latest acquisition, the D810 and few lenses. I usually use the FF ones now even with my crop cameras so I go out with either all three or just two for everytime I can. My bring with me camera is the D90. It depends on the purpose of my trip which camera I bring too...if it is just the supermarket or something, it is the D90 I take with me and use. The Butterfly house at Faust, I only need my D300s or the D810 with the 100mm macro/portrait lens. It does not matter much...or I take both of them with the appropriate lenses because I do not want to change lenses midway -- it is muggy there. The zoo or the Wild Bird Sanctuary, I bring all three cameras, one with the wide lens, the normal 70-300mm and my birdie lens. Plus a tripod helps and two filters.

  5. #5
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Lotsa Nikon going back to the Nikkormat FtN and the Nikon F2

    Nikon Coolpix 5700 - gone - first digital camera
    Nikon Coolpix P7100 - current snapshooter

    Nikon D50 - gone - first DSLR
    Nikon D300 - Semi Retired
    Nikon D90 - 2nd body
    Nikon D7100 - current DSLR

    DX/FX Lenses

    10.5 mm fisheye - Just a fun lens
    12-24mm - shooting in town occasional scenic
    18-55mm - Kit lens from D50, seldom used
    24-85mm f2.8-4.0D Old Model - General Purpose walkabout lens
    50mm f1.8D - available light
    55mm f3.5 Non-AI - a wonderful old macro lens that I can't bear to get rid of
    55-200mm VR - Kit lens from D50 used with FT1 on the Nikon 1s, Seldom on the DSLRs
    60mm f2.8D - Micro-Nikkor, table top macro
    105mm f2.8 - Micro-Nikkor, general Macro
    70-200mm VR f2.8 - Action shots equestrian, other.
    70-300mm VR - GP telezoom

    Nikon 1 V1
    Nikon 1 V2

    CX Lenses
    9.7-13mm -
    FT-1 to allow use of above DX/FX lenses

    Accumulated over a looonnnng time.

    I shoot a lot of different subjects and it's difficult to claim a specific purpose for everything. For example, several of my lenses are old Nikon AF-D lenses from my F4 which work perfectly well on my DSLRs.

    I am beginning to turn more and more to the Nikon 1 cameras. I can carry one body and all of the lenses above plus a flash, extension tubes, ELPRO achromats, filters, 2 spare batteries and a couple of SD cards in a small bag that weighs less than an ounce more than 5 pounds.

    I haven't been able to do that since I sold my Leica IIIg a long, long time ago.
    Last edited by Saorsa; 15th May 2015 at 08:00 PM.

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    not to be a spoiler, but I don't think lists of this sort are useful unless you say what kinds of photography you do. What is good for one type of photography can be not so good for others. It's instructive to learn why people choose specific equipment for specific purposes. For example, I have seen a number of interesting discussions of the advantages and disadvantages of full frame and crop sensor bodies and various lengths of lenses for different types of macro photography, but that is completely unhelpful if your interest is landscapes or night photography. Without some specific type of photography in mind, gear lists aren't informative, and they can in fact be misleading.

    In fact, if you asked 'what is your gear list for macro shots of bugs?' and 'what is your gear list for landscapes and night photography?' there would not be a single piece of equipment on both lists other than one filter:


    100mm macro
    430EXII flash and home-made bracket diffuser
    monopod with tilt head
    UV or protective filter for messy situations

    Landscapes and night photography:

    24-105, 70-200, and 17-40 lenses, all f/4
    1.4 teleconverter
    Tripod with ball head
    Cabled and radio remote releases
    UV or protective filter, circular polarizing filter, a few neutral density filters
    Last edited by DanK; 15th May 2015 at 03:24 PM.

  7. #7
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    That is very valid point Dan; thank you so much; i hope every body will take care of this anymore and specify, which ones are used for which, for whomsoever this may apply

  8. #8

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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    That is very valid point Dan; thank you so much; i hope every body will take care of this anymore and specify, which ones are used for which, for whomsoever this may apply
    Namaste nanda-ji,

    Sigma SD9, SD10, SD10(IR) and SD14 (DSLRs), DP1s and DP2s (APS-C compacts).

    General photography and macro (watches and flowers), occasionally infra-red. No sports, no BIF, no 'planes, no low-light and I don't print.

    I'm not a "real" photographer by any means.

  9. #9

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    Re: Your Camera please....'s been years since anything other than a 180mm macro or a 300mm f/2.8 has been
    mounted on my Canon 1Ds3, They supply the necessary IQ on my images. an avid user of PS CC, using stacking and merging when wide-angle is needed.

  10. #10

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    Re: Your Camera please....

    FWIW...I use a Fuji X Pro 1 and three lenses equivalent to ff 28mm, 50mm, and 90mm. Since most of my photography involves people--occasionally a few flowers and landscapes--I chose this camera because the optical viewfinder works well with my style and allows a continuous view of the subject and surrounding area.

  11. #11
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....


    Insects, bugs, wild flower, etc: Canon 7D Mk2, with Canon 100mm macro, with Canon MR14EX ring flash, Manfrotto Monopod + tilt head. (Occasionally use extension rings too)

    Landscapes: Canon 7D Mk2 with Sigma 10-20mm or Sigma 17-70mm or Canon 50MM f1.8 + Manfrotto Carbon Fibre heavy duty Tripod with Medium weight head and alternate heavy duty head(which get little use).

    Wildlife/Birds: Canon 7D Mk2 with Sigma 50-500mm Tele & for close up situations the Sigma 17-70mm

    Astro, Lunar and Solar photography: Canon 7D Mk2 with Sigma 50-500mm Tele. (I built a Solar filter with Baader fiter media)

    I also have a Canon 7D mk1 which is now semi retired.....

    Software, Photoshop CS6, Lightroom ( occasional use only at present),Photomatix( also occasional use), Deepskystacker

    For stack shots(macro) I use Helicon Remote running on a Nexus 7 tablet to step the Canon and use CS6 stacking or CombineZP. For panorama stitching I use cs6

    I lso have an 'all occasions' P&S, a Canon G12, which goes everywhere with me and I use for capturing any other type of shot I see. (Use it a lot when wandering around the city.)

    Other odds and sods in my bag (Lowepro Trekker)... cable release, wireless release, ND filters (2,4,8), Gray card, Rocket Blower, Small LED torch, Datacolour camera calibration chart, spare batteries x3, 8Gb card x4 16gb cardsx4.
    Last edited by James G; 15th May 2015 at 10:32 PM.

  12. #12

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    Re: Your Camera please....

    So far my one and only DSLR: Canon 5d3

    For Macro: 100 f/2.8 macro
    For walk around, street, landscape: 24 - 105 f/4
    For longer reach (birds, etc): 70-200 f/2.8, my favourite lens, sometimes with 2x extender

  13. #13
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Canon 50D
    Canon 5DIII and a variety of lenses from Canon, Sigma, Tamron and Tokina.

  14. #14
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    I am much thankful to all for taking the pain to deliver all details.... expecting more pain takers though.....

  15. #15

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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Nikon D 610 with Nikon,Tamron and Sigma lens.
    Yesterday got my Tamron 15-30mm and a test shot .
    Your Camera please....

  16. #16
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....


  17. #17
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Two Canon 7D cameras
    One old D60 (not the 60D) converted to full time infrared

    My two main lenses - I use these for 90-95% of my photography
    70-200mm f/4L IS and 17-55mm f/2.8 IS

    A few other lenses:
    300mm f/4L IS, 400mm f/5.6L, 12-24mm f/4 Tokina

    Several hotshoe flashes - all Canon

    A pair of tripods

    Some studio strobes with stands and modifiers

  18. #18
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Day to day, just for fun, dog walking companion and app-happy fun photography:

    iPhone 6
    Native Apple App
    Manual Cam

    General photography, days out and anything where I'm more interested in the pictures themselves than what the pictures are taken with:

    Pentax K30
    Pentax DA 18-55mm WR
    Pentax DA 55-200mm WR
    Pentax smc-F 50mm f1.7

    Sports, macro, superwide, time-lapse or simply when I want to carry a more comprehensive kit with things like remote flashes or I need the pro body performance:

    Nikon D300s + MB-D 10 Grip
    Sigma 10-20mm f4/5.6
    Nikon AF-S 16-85mm VR
    Nikon AF-S 70-300mm VR
    Nikkor-H 28mm f3.5
    Nikon AF-S 35mm f1.8 DX
    Nikon AF 50mm f1.8D
    Nikon AF 60mm f2.8 D Micro
    3x Nikon SB600

    I also use any of a dozen or so digital compacts, a few film compacts (including a Nikon 35Ti) a handful of film SLR's, a couple of old range finder camera, even older basic film cameras and a pinhole camera. Just depends on what mood I'm in.

  19. #19
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    These are my 'go to' cameras. Love 'em a lot as they get it 'right' most every single time. Wife can use them too without any trouble. They take pretty nice video too, all at the flip of a switch.

    Your Camera please....

    For fun photos I've got others to choose from all the way from my Nex-7 to an old Leica IIIa.

  20. #20
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Your Camera please....

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    I am interested to know which are the equipment my fellow-graphers are using . . . Mine is Canon EOS 70D For the time being i am having zigma 18-250 lens to support. I am also having Canon SX 50X superzoom to assist; some other cheaper lenses too... Hope you will talk about your too . . .
    I have a few cameras and lenses, but the camera that I have used the most during the last 18 months is a Fuji X100s.


    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    . . . I don't think lists of this sort are useful unless you say what kinds of photography you do. What is good for one type of photography can be not so good for others. It's instructive to learn why people choose specific equipment for specific purposes.
    There are several reasons for me purchasing an x100s and probably the main three reasons were:

    > the Leaf Shutter which is both extremely quiet and also allows very fast Flash X Sync Speed
    > the flexibility that a small camera gave me, in so far as it is a camera that I can and do carry most everywhere
    > the combination of a very fast Lens (F/2) and a very good High ISO sensor (quite acceptable at ISO6400) and those two factors combine as a great appeal to my passion for Available Light Photography, both Portraiture/Street Work and also Buildings and especially interiors of Buildings

    Here are some examples of Available Light Portrait Photography with the X100s.

    Here are some Landscape/Building examples.


    Recently I have been investigating camera’s use with an R72 Filter attached and I am having a great deal of fun learning how to use the camera set with an R72 Filter on it: finding the best light for the results that I want is the priority challenge for me at the moment.


    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    you may please add the images of your equipments too
    Your Camera please....
    Fuji X100s with Neck-strap, R72 Filter and Lens Hood attached

    All Images ©AJ Group Pty Ltd Aust 1996~2015, WMW 1965~1996

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