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Thread: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

  1. #1

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    New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    I hardly use Lightroom so I didn't mention it when I received notice that the new version of it has now been released. I assumed one of the many Lightroom users here at CiC would have brought it to everyone's attention by now, but that hasn't happened.

    The branding of the subscription-based model is Lightroom CC and the branding of the perpetual license model is LR 6.

    To review an explanation of the new capabilities, see this provided by the Lightroom Queen.

    If you prefer buying or upgrading to LR 6 (the perpetual license), reports are that Adobe has done a pretty good job of hiding those options. Use the above link to access a link that provides information about how to easily to purchase the license.

    The above link also provides information about how to purchase the subscription-based license.

    To review a comparison of the subscription and perpetual license models, see this provided by Laura Shoe.

    PLEASE do not turn this thread into a bashing of Adobe's subscription model. Thank you!
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 22nd April 2015 at 01:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    I didn't mention it because I don't go for upgrades that only add one or two features. I'm still using version 4, tried 5 for the tethering feature but found it limiting so stayed where I'm at.

  3. #3
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    I think reactions will vary a lot depending on the photographer. Personally, I'm not too excited.

    A lot of effort put into face recognition and people cataloging. Don't take many pictures of people, and of no real interest.

    HDR and panorama stitching. Again, not something I do often, though good and easy to use tools may encourage me. Do like the idea of being able to stitch RAW files, and up with a single RAW file. That does sound clever.

    GPU acceleration. Have to try and see, though I find performance very acceptable now.

    Improvements to graduated and radial filters. Occasionally useful, but not a huge step.

    Perhaps more significant was the hint in Kelby's broadcast (this is second hand - I didn't watch it) that only the CC version will receive .dot releases, with the perpetual version just getting the full release. This could be a big deal for RAW shooters with new cameras, though I assume that .DNG conversion will still be possible. Don't know what it says about bug fixes. It's a very strong hint, if one were needed, of Adobe's nudging. 'Course, it could just be Kelby kite flying on Adobe's behalf.

    EditThere is a lot of chatter over on LuLa that Kelby should just be ignored, and that there is no change in policy.

    As a CC user, I'll take the upgrade of course . Once the heat, noise and release bugs have settled down.

    Last edited by davidedric; 22nd April 2015 at 09:43 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Upgraded yesterday (I use the subscription service). I have not had much time to test drive the new version, but I already enjoy the ability manipulate the filters. I can now pull the filter further and not worry about impacting areas where I don't want the effect because I can mask them out, or I can use a smaller radial brush and then add or subtract from the mask for better precision (both things I normally have to accomplish in PS). I don't have much use for the HDR or pano merge options, although I may play around on occasion. The facial recognition option is does a decent job at recognizing and assigning names to faces (after you first identify them by name), however, I'm not really sure how I would use this function. Not sure what else this update has to offer...will see as I play around how performance was manipulated.

  5. #5

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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Already punched the upgrade button...I cannot conceive of trying to cough out my stuff without Adobe.

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    Krawuntzel's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Last edited by Krawuntzel; 22nd April 2015 at 11:45 AM.

  7. #7

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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    I agree with Dave that I saw no new capability that would have universal appeal. The one capability I was hoping to see added hasn't happened -- the ability to adjust the curve of a masked area.

    I'm confused about Dave and Kris mentioning the idea of upgrading the subscription-based license. I thought once one owned that license, all changes to the software were automatically upgraded throughout the year as opposed to the perpetual license model which allows upgrades only when the new version is released. When using the subscription model and the computer is always connected to the Internet, is it possible for the user to intentionally delay installation of updates and upgrades?

  8. #8
    Krawuntzel's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    Already punched the upgrade button...I cannot conceive of trying to cough out my stuff without Adobe.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    PLEASE do not turn this thread into a bashing of Adobe's subscription model.
    Bash, bash, bash

  9. #9

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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I agree with Dave that I saw no new capability that would have universal appeal. The one thing I was hoping to see added hasn't happened -- the ability to adjust the curve of a masked area.

    I'm confused about Dave and Kris mentioning the idea of upgrading the subscription-based license. I thought once one owned that license, all changes to the software were automatically upgraded throughout the year as opposed to the perpetual license model which allows upgrades only when the new version is released. When using the subscription model, is it possible for the user to intentionally delay installation of updates and upgrades?
    Mike, I am still relatively new to the CC subscription service, but I had to intentionally click to upgrade (both for LR6 and PS update) through the creative cloud control panel application that installs when you get the service. There may be a setting that does this automatically...but I prefer to retain that control.

  10. #10
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Yes, you certainly can elect to take the upgrade when you choose.

    One thing to bear in mind is that the LR6 catalogue is not backwards compatible with LR5. In other words the upgrade process creates a new catalogue (while retaining the previous one). Any Develop changes using LR6 will be written to the new catalogue.

    EDIT: Dave H has pointed out that my post is confusing to say the least. What I was trying to say is that the LR6 catalogue will correctly handle all old and new edits. However, if you were to decide that you really didn't want to take the upgrade, and you reverted to LR5 and the old catalogue, any edits made with LR6 would be lost. Probably a bit obvious really Time to stop digging.

    Last edited by davidedric; 22nd April 2015 at 04:49 PM.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    One thing to bear in mind is that the LR6 catalogue is not backwards compatible with LR5. In other words the upgrade process creates a new catalogue (while retaining the previous one). Any Develop changes using LR6 will be written to the new catalogue.
    I'm not a LR user, although I tried LR 5.5 briefly - and didn't I recall reading that had a similar backward compatibility issue?

    Or am I even more confused than I think I am?

  12. #12
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    I didn't explain it very well - I'll update the original post


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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    I just bought a new computer, and when I installed the CC, I got the updated LR CC version.
    Just for fun, I tried the HDR merge. It creates a new DNG file, uses the file name of the 1st image of the set and adds-HDR to it.
    Here is my first try with the 'new and improved' LR.
    New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

  14. #14
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris V View Post
    I just bought a new computer, and when I installed the CC, I got the updated LR CC version.
    Just for fun, I tried the HDR merge. It creates a new DNG file, uses the file name of the 1st image of the set and adds-HDR to it.
    Here is my first try with the 'new and improved' LR.
    New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6
    Nice texture rendering.

  15. #15
    Thlayle's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I hardly use Lightroom so I didn't mention it when I received notice that the new version of it has now been released. I assumed one of the many Lightroom users here at CiC would have brought it to everyone's attention by now, but that hasn't happened.[/B]
    Mike, I am glad you brought this up. I am subscriber via the Photography Program with Adobe CC and I was not aware of the new photo merge features. This happened even though I update regularly. My apps were up to date, according to the Adobe CC updater. That proved to be wrong -- even though I just updated recently to v 5.7.1 in Lightroom.

    I am new within the last year to both Photoshop and Lightroom. I have been using Photoshop much more nowadays but I always start in Lightroom. It is my 'bridge' application for image selection and file management.

    I like these new features, especially HDR and Panorama Merge. While I could always jump to Photoshop for these tools, I prefer staying in one app rather than having to open Photoshop separately. Also, on first trial (I just now downloaded Lightroom 6 and tried out the pano merge), I like my results better than a first try in Photoshop. I don't know what's behind that. I just know I like the result a little better: not as short and wide as the PSD file pano.

  16. #16
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Sigh. I own a perpetual license for 5 but also subscribe to CC, so I tried to upgrade using the CC interface. It failed. It seems that it tries to load two old (2010) C++ modules via the executables, vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe, and those failed. The error log said to try executing them from a temp folder (where they were nowhere to be found) or to download them from microsoft and try again. The downloads would not work. After considerable time I think I figured it out: my computer has newer versions of those already installed, and windows will not allow the newer versions to be overwritten and often simply gives an error message when faced with this, which interrupts Adobe's installation script. Needless to say, Adobe support was swamped--I just got repeated 'thank you for waiting' messages from their chat line, and their support phone line was out entirely (!). So, I will have to wait a while, until the demand for help dies down, before I will be able to try it (assuming they can give me a work-around then).

  17. #17
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Needless to say, Adobe support was swamped--I just got repeated 'thank you for waiting' messages from their chat line, and their support phone line was out entirely (!). So, I will have to wait a while, until the demand for help dies down, before I will be able to try it (assuming they can give me a work-around then).
    I waited through the same 'thank you for waiting' message as well, but found help at the community forums (something that is very spotty at being of any real use). The CC interface was very misleading, showing I was 'up to date' with v 5.7.1. It wasn't until I saw Mike's post that I was aware of Lightroom 6 being available. It took signing out of the CC interface & signing back in (a tip from the community forum) before the correct download showed up.

  18. #18
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    I watched a live stream yesterday on creative live website of Jared Platt and another guy (can't remember his name). They were showing a lot of the new features of LR 6 / CC and thought some were gonna be a great add on. I've done limited HDR but I like the fact that I don't have to send shots to PS, merge them and send them back to LR. There is also another neat feature that you can create a brush and erase select areas where a graduated filter is applied. It worked great on their example and I think that would be a great thing to have. I've often wished for something like that when a graduated filter covers up some of the scene you didn't want affected. I will be upgrading on the perpetual version when I get a chance. I like the new features that I've seen so far.

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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianA61 View Post
    Jared Platt and another guy (can't remember his name). They were showing a lot of the new features of LR 6 / CC and thought some were gonna be a great add on.
    Keep in mind that people who are providing instructional material about a particular software app have an inherent conflict of interest when they are reviewing the viability of the software's new capabilities. The more good things they say about those new capabilities, the more they are generating interest in their own instructional material to their own financial benefit.

    There is also another neat feature that you can create a brush and erase select areas where a graduated filter is applied. It worked great on their example and I think that would be a great thing to have.
    The software I primarily use has had that capability for at least five years and I agree with you that it is very helpful.

  20. #20
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    Re: New version of Lightroom: LRCC and LR 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Thlayle View Post
    I waited through the same 'thank you for waiting' message as well, but found help at the community forums (something that is very spotty at being of any real use). The CC interface was very misleading, showing I was 'up to date' with v 5.7.1. It wasn't until I saw Mike's post that I was aware of Lightroom 6 being available. It took signing out of the CC interface & signing back in (a tip from the community forum) before the correct download showed up.
    I had posted in the community forum but didn't get a reply. I was able to reach Adobe support this morning. The agent was very patient and knew his stuff. I was impressed. The solution was something I had thought of but was unwilling to try: just delete the old versions of the vcredist programs via control panel. That and a reboot was all that was needed.

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