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Thread: Nikon Software (new and updates)

  1. #1

    Nikon Software (new and updates)


    ViewNX‑i software lets you download pictures from your Nikon digital camera and put them to use. Designed specifically as an image browser, it works with other software to greatly enhance what can be done with pictures after they are taken. It can map where photos were taken based on embedded location data and can be used with social networking and other web services. The bundled ViewNX Movie Editor makes processing and editing your movies a snap. ViewNX‑i also works with Capture NX‑D (version 1.2.0 or later), which can be used to save NEF/NRW (RAW) images in other formats and to make adjustments to photos in all supported formats, including JPEG and TIFF.

    If you have NXView2 installed this installer requests that you uninstall it.

    Capture NX-D overview

    Capture NX-D is development processing software that realizes the full potential of the camera and lens to produce images captured by a Nikon digital camera of the quality envisioned by Nikon's developers.
    Designed specifically for processing RAW images, Capture NX-D offers responsive and intuitive controls.
    In addition, characteristics such as brightness, contrast, and tone curves of not only RAW images, but also JPEG and TIFF images captured with Nikon digital cameras, can also be adjusted.

    Picture Control Utility 2 Overview

    Picture Control Utility 2 is software that allows users to adjust and manage Custom Picture Controls.
    Users can use RAW images they have captured to create Custom Picture Controls that achieve the imaging characteristics they prefer or intend.
    Custom Picture Controls that have been created can be saved to a memory card for loading to a camera, and Custom Picture Controls created with adjustments applied using a camera can be imported into Picture Control Utility 2. Custom Picture Controls that have been imported into Picture Control Utility 2 can be then be readjusted and used with ViewNX 2 and Capture NX-D.
    In addition to launching the application from ViewNX-i, ViewNX 2 or Capture NX-D for collaboration with these software applications, Picture Control Utility 2 can be installed and launched as a separate application for easier collaboration with cameras.
    What's more, Picture Control Utility 2 supports not only files with the "NP2" file extension, Custom Picture Controls that can be used with cameras that support the new Picture Control System, but also files with the "NPC" file extension, Custom Picture Controls that can be used with all compatible cameras.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    I'm not quite sure what the point of this posting is.

    This almost looks like an advertisement for these products. They are readily available to Nikon owners. They work, but are certainly not my first choice for this type of functionality. As a jpg + RAW shooter, I don't have a lot of use for the Picture Control Utility and prefer View NX2 to the newest offering.

  3. #3

    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Some folk don't ever check for updates or new software, beginners especially - Perhaps I should have just named it software for Nikon folk.

    Sometimes trying to be helpful to others does not pay off. The info is what Nikon writes and not my words.

    Perhaps as a moderator you want to delete this thread.

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    From what I gather the View NX-I does not have the same functionality as the current ViewNX2. Seems like it's more of a front end organizer. Something to consider before diving off. Basic editing capability with minimal fuss as provided by ViewNX2 is sometimes useful.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by simie View Post
    Some folk don't ever check for updates or new software, beginners especially - Perhaps I should have just named it software for Nikon folk.

    Sometimes trying to be helpful to others does not pay off. The info is what Nikon writes and not my words.

    Perhaps as a moderator you want to delete this thread.
    Nikon Message Center is quite persistent in reminding me that an update is available. That installed with the other Nikon software, so everyone, including newbies will be notified by Nikon whenever an update is available for download.

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Nikon Message Center is quite persistent in reminding me that an update is available.
    Not on my system. In fact, I participate in one small section of another photography forum for the purpose of communicating about Nikon software. It should be noted that the other forum is dedicated to emphasizing the use of Nikon gear. On that forum, it's universally accepted that Nikon Message Center is a disaster. As an example, Nikon Message Center has not yet informed me of the updates brought to light by the OP of this thread. I learned about the updates thanks to a couple of people on that other forum who make a point of broadcasting the new updates as soon as they become available.

    In my mind, we should be thanking the OP for bringing the updates to light.

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    It pestered the heck out of me. So much so that I uninstalled it. I found it unnecessary due to various other methods of hearing such news. Besides I'm rarely waiting with BATED breath (just for you, Mike) for software upgrades. Wish I could say the same about hardware

  8. #8

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    I uninstalled it [Nikon Message Center].
    I also uninstalled it. It gets reinstalled sometimes when you install other software.

    Besides I'm rarely waiting with BATED breath (just for you, Mike)
    Gotta love it! Nice to know that you remembered!

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    I liked Capture NX2 and miss it now that it's gone. I tried Capture NX-D, and have decided that the "D" stands for "dog." It's just about the crappiest piece of image processing software I have ever used. I now use View NX2 for basic raw processing, and am not looking forward to when I have to abandon it. When I do, I will stop using Nikon software entirely, but it's a shame that they can't get their act together when it comes to basic software for low-level raw processing -- especially since they had been doing fine on that score for years. Ah, well...

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    I must be special then, I get the update requests fairly reliably from the Message Center.

    That being said, I do agree that Nikon software has always be marginal, but frankly I find View NX2 a decent RAW converter and I do get better skin tones than with Adobe Camera RAW. Both View and Capture were originally written by Nik (Nikon I understand was a small shareholder in the company), but that cooperation ended when Google bought Nik; these were two pieces of the company Google did not buy..

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I must be special then, I get the update requests fairly reliably from the Message Center...
    Oh no... my comment about being "pestered" meant that I was constantly being reminded of changes. But most times I didn't care/wasn't going to take action. For example historically I didn't update every time they released a new camera body and updated ViewNX2. Unless/until I obtained that body. So for me Message Center, though effective in its intended purpose, was not useful for my needs.

    It was a sad day when Google bought Nik and Nikon's business relationship with them ended. ViewNX/2 was such a good RAW processor that I used it in conjunction with PS Elements for years. I also had CaptureNX/2 but rarely felt the need to use it. I only recently switched to LR due to the need for bulk processing when I shoot canine sports. There was definitely a learning curve to figure out the WB/color tone issues vs ViewNX2.

  12. #12
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by simie View Post
    Some folk don't ever check for updates or new software, beginners especially - Perhaps I should have just named it software for Nikon folk.

    Sometimes trying to be helpful to others does not pay off. The info is what Nikon writes and not my words.

    Perhaps as a moderator you want to delete this thread.
    Hi simie

    An introductory/explanatory sentence at the start of your post would have helped us understand the purpose of your post. Are you referring to the recent announcement on the Nikon global web site about the release of View NX i on the 17th Mar ?

    Anyway thanks for raising it I will be interested to see what View NX i is like.

    Last edited by dje; 18th March 2015 at 04:49 AM. Reason: corrected release date

  13. #13

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by tclune View Post
    I liked Capture NX2 and miss it now that it's gone.
    It's not gone if you have still have the installation file on your computer system. I am in touch with people using it with Windows 8. I'm still using it and plan to use it for quite a long time.

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    It's not gone if you have still have the installation file on your computer system. I am in touch with people using it with Windows 8. I'm still using it and plan to use it for quite a long time.
    Well, my old computer died. My install disk was old enough that I couldn't get the upgrades for the last few versions of Capture NX2 anymore. Unfortunately, my current camera isn't supported by the disk version I have, so I'm SOL. Ultimately, the same thing will probably befall ViewNX2. When it does, I'll start using PaintShopPro for everything. I'm not crazy about its raw support -- and it doesn't really read the camera settings like ViewNX2 does, of course. But it is serviceable and I will get used to it once I use it regularly I suspect.

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by tclune View Post
    Unfortunately, my current camera isn't supported by the disk version I have, so I'm SOL.
    You can convert the RAW files in ViewNX or Capture NX-D, save them to a TIFF and post-process them in your old version of Capture NX.

    It's a shame you didn't have your installation files backed up when your computer died. Hopefully your image files are backed up.

  16. #16

    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    The installation file for Capture NX2 is available on Nikon support site. But check your region version, I think this one is for the USA and Canada.

  17. #17

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    Re: Nikon Software (new and updates)

    I enjoy software announcements just not those from Nikon. I never liked Capture NX2 the loss of which so many are mourning. View NX2 is a nice, little tool to have around but updates for Nikon software do not raise my blood pressure at all. Tell be about a new black and white plug-in or a great raw processor and my 'download the free trial' button is right at the tip of my fingers.

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