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Thread: Hi. New member here.

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Hi. New member here.

    So pleased to have found you.
    My name is Carole. I have recently taken over the reins of running a local camera club. I started my interest in 'taking pictures'when my now two grown up daughters were small. Both give me that look when I get the camera out .. But both play the game and smile ☺ Just purchased my first D-slr ..until now its being a point and shoot SLR ..very much hoping to learn a lot from the tips and tutorials here.

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Hi. New member here.

    Jump in and join our conversation. Upload some of your pics and ask for critiques and comments about it (C&C) and many will jump in a help you with any questions you may have. I will comment because I am not really that good because transition from film to DSLR was really hard for me and taking me for a beating. But help is plentiful here and I am learning to take pictures not snap shots as I was doing for so many years now.

    We'd love to hear from you too by commenting and critiquing our posts. Makes friends doing so...and when members get to know you through your pictures, they respond to your posts too. I usually do not respond much to people who I do not see not responding to our active post. I know...I know...I am biased but that is that way with me...not so with other members, they have their own choices and it is not always like mine.

    Welcome to CiC...If Cambridge is in UK instead of Cambridge in Colour, then you are also in the right place....hope you enjoy your stay with us.
    Last edited by IzzieK; 28th January 2015 at 09:21 AM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Hi. New member here.

    Welcome, Carole. Look forward to seeing some of your work and hearing your perspectives on things.

  4. #4
    New Member
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    Re: Hi. New member here.

    I am a retired college administrator and a lifelong photographer. My father, also a photo enthusiast, gave me my first camera in 1960 for my 9th birthday. I have been shooting for over 50 years now.

    At this point in life I would describe myself as a semi-pro because photography is not a full time working committment. These days I mostly do pro bono work for non-profit organizations (primarily canine rescue groups). I will occasionally take a photographic assignment if the work interests me.

    I shoot both digital and film. My digital and 35mm film cameras are all Cannon. I shoot both Pentax 67 Medium format film and Horseman 4X5 field cameras. I am looking forward to both learning and sharing information with this diverse group.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Hi. New member here.

    Hi John, (and Carole),

    Welcome both to the CiC forums from me, Dave

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