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Thread: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

  1. #1
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Today I worked with my mentor on two projects.

    On the first image, I worked on using lighting to create an off-the-wall composition that allows the viewer to create their own story.

    That said, on this side of the world, we worked with my own studio lighting, which, to say the least, is primative. It consists of 2 clip on painter's lights, project board and one off camera flash.

    Given that, here's Freddie the dragon!!!!

    Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Then we moved (virtually) to my mentor's professional studio (an ocean away), where he had to do the same kind of off the wall project, having access to his equipment.

    So, what in the world is Mr. Beachy doing?????

    Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    There are differences in lighting and equipment in the two images, but still, are the results pleasing?

    Please c&c


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy


    Definitely a story building up in both images. My interpretation of the first is this is a moonlit beach setting, you may need more illumination and/or a starlit sky to pull it off; at least for my interpretation.

    The second image, the feathers remind me of wings, can't quite figure out what Mr. Beachy is doing with those objects though.

  3. #3
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    hmm interesting photos, cant comment on lighting as i dont do that at all - yet
    but I cant help but notice the lampwork glass beads - nice

  4. #4
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    If you were to do a compilation I would definitely conceder John's idea Freddie sand and stars.

    I don't know what to think of Mr. Beachy. he seems to have the gem he was looking for though

    All in all very nice Marie, looks like fun.

  5. #5

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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Another very nice start, Marie!

  6. #6
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    John, as Mike pointed out, this was just a start. Lots of giggles on my part.

    Thank you for playing along. Might just try to figure out how to make a moonlit beach...(Now where did i put that old string of LED Christmas lights and my scissors?????)


  7. #7
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Freddie is a bit dark and Mr. Beachy? All I could think of when I saw it was 'Ouch!', but the lighting is better on the second one and I like the background color bleed.

  8. #8
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Dear UK Mark,

    I personally do not yet know enough either to comment on someone elses lighting as i am just now learning.

    I love lampwork beads!!! There are some really nice artisans out there, as well as some of the commercially available brands.

    Thanks for commenting.


  9. #9
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Dear Frank,

    Kodiak did not "get it" at first when, after I picked myself off the floor, and through fits and giggles, I explained that I must have watched too many cowboy and indian movies, because it looked as if Mr. Beachy got laid out by arrows to a tender part of his anatomy!!!!!

    Thanks for making comment about the lighting on Freddie. I was tempted to add brightness on the PP, but that would have defeated the purpose of this post. I will go a bit brighter on the lighting next time.


  10. #10
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Dear CA Mark,

    Since this was the first run-through, anything is possible.

    This project has been quite the learning experience for me, and lots of fun!

    I will try some of John's suggestions. They sound good, don't they?


  11. #11
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Dear Mike,

    Thank you.

    You are right when you said it was a start. There is so much to learn.


  12. #12
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    John, as Mike pointed out, this was just a start. Lots of giggles on my part.

    Thank you for playing along. Might just try to figure out how to make a moonlit beach...(Now where did i put that old string of LED Christmas lights and my scissors?????)


    If you are using flash, try a sheet of paper with holes poked through covering the flash.

  13. #13
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Marie...+1 to both of John (Shadowman) comments on #1. I like the way he think. I like the lighting on the feather at the bottom of the Mr. Beachy and the light reflecting on the beads and the background but I can't think of a story to it...yet. I cannot advise on lightings either because I just started to use my studio lights extensively using Terry (Loose Cannon) and Janis (Purplehaze) instructions on how to direct my lighting on my Pixie-Izzie Project 52 project...

  14. #14
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy


    Perhaps you might think of using levels on your Freddie image... Generally, I would say that the image is a bit dark and a bit flat.

    Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

  15. #15

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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    There is an interesting lighting difference between to two photos ... in the first there are three shadows whereas in the second just one. When I started multiple [directioned] shadows was a 'NO-NO'

  16. #16

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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    Quote Originally Posted by jcuknz View Post
    When I started multiple [directioned] shadows was a 'NO-NO'
    My thinking about that is that shadows created in multiple directions (because more than one light source is used) is more difficult to achieve in a pleasing fashion when beginning studio photography. That's why so many people recommend starting with just one light source and perhaps at most a reflector that reflects the light into the scene. However, scenes that have shadows in multiple directions can be very appealing and can be especially useful when defining the shape of round objects.

  17. #17

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    Re: Freddie the Dragon and Mr. Beachy

    A starting exercise was to photograph an orange so it looked like an orange [ in B&W ] with just a spot and one flood
    I do not think I succeeded back then ... these days of course I would cheat and sit it on a sheet of glass

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